CANCER (C00-D48)
Cancer (C00-D48) was the underlying cause of over one in five deaths (580 or 21.2%) of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons, with a rate ratio of 1.3 deaths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians for every death of a non-Indigenous person (223.4 per 100,000 compared with 167.6 deaths per 100,000 respectively).
Trachea, bronchus and lung cancers (C33-C34) was the fourth leading cause of death of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians in 2014, with 153 deaths. There were a similar number of deaths due to this cause for both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males and females (77 and 76, respectively), which differs from the non-Indigenous population, for which there were more deaths of males than females due to this cause (3,468 and 2,281 respectively).