Landlord Type (LLDD)
This variable provides information on Landlord Type for rented dwellings, such as real estate agent or government housing authority. It is applicable to occupied private dwellings being rented, including those being occupied rent free. This represents 29.4% of all occupied private dwellings enumerated in the 2016 Census.
How this variable is created
Landlord Type is a dwelling variable that is created based on responses from the Tenure Type and Landlord Type questions on the Census Household Form. Images of these questions are provided below.
Only one response can be given for this item. If respondents provide more than one response to this question in error, the top-most response is used.
Variable history
The question about landlord type was first asked in the 1954 Census and has been included in every subsequent Census. At that time, if the landlord was a Government Authority, respondents were instructed to describe themselves as 'tenant'. In the 1961 Census, if the landlord was a State Housing Authority, respondents were again instructed to write 'tenant'. In 1966, tenants of the State Housing Authority could choose between marking the relevant State Housing Authority or the category Other landlord.
In 1971, the response categories increased to three: State Housing Authority; Employer; and Other landlord. The number of response categories continued to increase from three (from 1971 until 1991) to seven (in 1996 and 2001) and then to eight for subsequent Censuses. No changes were made for 2016.
Non-response rate
Item non-response rates are a measure of how many people did not respond to a particular question as a proportion of the total number of people the question was applicable to. In this instance the response is left as not stated.
The majority of item non-response is attributable to the people who did not respond to the Census at all. Refer to item non-response rates for more information. The second and smaller contributor to item non-response is when people return a Census form but may not answer a particular question(s). For more information, refer to Understanding Census data quality.
The non-response rate for Landlord Type was 1.8% in 2016 (2.3% in 2011).
Further information
A definition for Landlord Type is available in the 2016 Census Dictionary.
Household form question image
Questions 56 and 57 as they appeared on the 2016 Census Household Form:

A text only version of the online Census Household form is available from the Downloads tab.