Household Income Derivation Indicator (HIDD)
This variable identifies households where people were temporarily absent, did not state their income, or stated a negative income. This variable is applicable to all occupied private dwellings enumerated in the 2016 Census.
How this variable is created
Household Income Derivation Indicator is a dwelling variable derived from the variables Household Composition and Total Personal Income. It also uses the Count of Persons Temporarily Absent from Dwelling and the Count of Persons/Dependent Children Temporarily Absent from Family variables to identify households with members aged 15 and over temporarily absent on Census night. An image of this question is provided below.
Variable history
This variable was first used in the 1991 Census. No changes were made in 2016.
Non-response rate
Non-response rate only applies to data items that directly reflect responses to individual Census form questions. Household Income Derivation Indicator does not have a non-response rate as it is a derived value created during Census processing for applicable households. For more information, refer to Understanding Census data quality.
Data usage notes
Household Income Derivation Indicator can also be used to remove these households from the population of a table, or to estimate the impact on total household income caused by negative/no income or persons temporarily absent.
Household Income Derivation Indicator is used in conjunction with Total Personal Income (weekly) to create a new household income variable.
Further information
A definition of Household Income Derivation Indicator is available in the 2016 Census Dictionary.
For more information see the data quality statements for Household Composition and Total Personal Income (weekly).
Household form question image
Questions 33 as they appeared on the 2016 Census Household Form:

A text only version of the online Census Household form is available from the Downloads tab.