What is it?
TableBuilder Pro is the ultimate Census data analysis tool. It provides the full range of Census variables and supports a wide range of cross tabulations.
It allows users to extract and manipulate an unlimited number of Census tables and create graphs and thematic maps of Census data. It also has more sophisticated features which allow the creation of recodes and custom geographies that can be shared with other licensed users.
Users have access to ALL topics including age, education, housing, income, transport, religion, ethnicity, occupation and more, from small areas such as Statistical Area Level 1 (SA1) to the whole of Australia.
TableBuilder Pro is a charged product. For information about licence pricing, see Microdata prices.
Who is it for?
TableBuilder Pro is for experienced Census data users who want ultimate freedom to create large and complex tables of Census data.
What does it do?
TableBuilder Pro allows users to build complex customised tables.
The key features of TableBuilder Pro are as follows:
- access to the full range of Census variables
- create or import custom geographies easily so they can be shared with other licensed TableBuilder Pro users
- compare data from different geographic areas
- create recodes to suit unique data needs
- construct large tables of up to 5,000,000 cells
- the 'large table mode' feature submits tables for processing, reducing the load on the user's computer
- save tables within the TableBuilder Pro for later use
- thematically map or graph data and export in a variety of formats
- access to advanced training and customer support.
There will be five TableBuilder Pro databases:
- Counting Persons, Place of Usual Residence
- Counting Persons, Place of Enumeration
- Counting Families, Place of Usual Residence
- Counting Dwellings, Place of Enumeration
- Counting Employed Persons, Place of Work.
To gain access to TableBuilder Pro, users can register via the
How to Apply for Microdata page on the ABS website.
When will it be available?
Users can register for TableBuilder Pro at any time. The 2016 Census first release data will be added when it becomes available in mid 2017. Data from the 2006 Census and 2011 Census will continue to be available in TableBuilder Pro.
Exact dates and details of data items included in each release will be
available in the publication
Census of Population and Housing - Products and Services, 2016 (cat. no. 2011.0.55.001) due for release in the first half of 2016.
What does it look like?
Visit the
TableBuilder page.