2011.0 - Information Paper: Census of Population and Housing -- Proposed Products and Services, 2016  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 01/10/2015  Ceased
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What is it?

TableBuilder Basic allows users to build their own tables from a range of Census variables. Users can access Census data for most topics including age, education, housing, income, transport, religion, ethnicity, occupation and more, from small areas such as Statistical Area Level 1 (SA1) to the whole of Australia. Users can also view and export data in a variety of graphs and maps.

TableBuilder Basic is a free product.

Who is it for?

TableBuilder Basic is designed for clients with some experience using Census data and skills in constructing basic data tables. However, there are self-help tutorials available on the ABS website to guide first time users.

What does it do?

TableBuilder Basic allows users to:

    • construct and customise tables of Census data (up to 300,000 cells)
    • create and save custom geographies and data items
    • thematically map or graph data
    • download maps and graphs.

There will be twelve TableBuilder Basic databases:
    • Cultural and Language Diversity
    • Education and Qualifications
    • Employment, Income and Unpaid Work
    • Disability, Carers and Need for Assistance
    • Children and Childcare
    • Usual Address and Internal Migration
    • Persons and Relationships
    • Persons in Private Dwellings
    • Persons in Non-Private Dwellings
    • Family Characteristics
    • Dwelling Characteristics
    • Household Income and Expenditure.

To gain access to TableBuilder Basic, users can register via the How to Apply for Microdata page on the ABS website.

When will it be available?

Users can register for TableBuilder Basic at any time. The 2016 Census first release data will be added when it becomes available in mid 2017. Data from the 2006 and 2011 Censuses will continue to be available in TableBuilder Basic.

Exact dates and details of data items included in each release will be available in the publication Census of Population and Housing - Products and Services, 2016 (cat. no. 2011.0.55.001) due for release in the first half of 2016.

What does it look like?

Visit the TableBuilder page.