This topic records the name of each person present in the dwelling on Census Night and also of usual residents of the dwelling who are absent on Census Night.
The collection of information regarding name is considered essential for the conduct of an accurate and high quality Census. It is used for form management procedures and coding of household composition. Name information is essential for the conduct of a high quality Post Enumeration Survey, which is used to measure the level of under-enumeration in the Census and to estimate the resident population. Name is also used for data integration activities to ensure the highest quality of data linkage.
Names have been requested in all previous Censuses.
The strongest possible measures are employed to ensure the security and confidentiality of information provided in the Census. The Census and Statistics Act 1905 requires that no identifiable information about an individual be made available to any other person, government agency or private organisation.
The ABS is currently considering the retention of name and address information for statistical purposes, under stringent controls. The retention of name and address information would provide a benefit to the ABS and the wider community by enabling higher quality linkage of Census data with other datasets, for approved purposes only. It would also support some improvements in geospatial statistics and the application of geospatial techniques to statistical production, and add value to the ABS Address Register as a comprehensive frame for planning future ABS surveys.
As noted above, under the Census and Statistics Act 1905, retained information that could identify an individual cannot be shared outside the ABS. The ABS will be transparent with its plans to retain or integrate data by publishing information through the ABS website as they are finalised.
The following questions are from the paper 2016 Census Household Form.