Between 1996-97 and 2006-07, the volume of waste produced per person in Australia grew at an average annual rate of 5.4%. In 1996-97, Australians generated approximately 1,200kg of waste per person. By 2006-07, this had increased to 2,100kg per person.
International evidence suggests that economic growth contributes to growth in waste generated per person (Productivity Commission 2006). Australia's economic prosperity over the past couple of decades has contributed to the growing generation of waste. Australians are among the highest users of new technology, and waste from obsolete electronic goods (e-waste) is one of the fastest growing types of waste (ABS 2006).
Waste generated per person(a)
Footnote(s): (a) Year ending 30 June.
Source(s): Hyder Consulting, Waste and Recycling in Australia, 2009; Productivity Commission, Inquiry Report No. 38: Waste Management, 2006; DEWHA, State of the Environment 2006; The Senate, Management of Australia's Waste Streams, 2008; ABS, Australian Demographic Statistics December 2009 (cat no. 3101.0)