One parent families are considered to be at higher risk of economic disadvantage compared with several other family types. For example, in 2007-08, one parent families with dependent children had a mean equivalised disposable household income of $520 per week, and only 8% fully owned their home. Therefore a substantial proportion were making mortgage or rental payments from their gross incomes (ABS 2009a). Furthermore, almost half (44%) of one parent families with dependent children had no employed resident parent (ABS 2009b).
In 2007-08, one parent families with dependent children were almost twice as likely to be in the low income group as were couple families with dependent children (34% compared with 19%). Almost half (45%) of one parent families with dependent children received government pensions and allowances as their principal source of income. This was also the pattern in 2003-04.
The distribution of net worth also varied across household types. In 2005-06, one parent households with dependent children had a substantially lower mean household net worth than couple households with dependent children ($229,000 compared with $670,000).
Indicators of economic situation by household composition
Mean household net worth - life cycle group(a)(b)
Footnote(s): (a) As at 30 June. (b) Based on 2005-06 dollars, adjusted using changes in the Consumer Price Index. (c) Dependent children.
Source(s): ABS Household Wealth and Wealth Distribution, 2005-06 (cat. no. 6554.0)