1370.0 - Measures of Australia's Progress, 2010  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 15/09/2010   
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Headline dimensions


Headline dimensionHeadline progress indicatorsSupplementary progress indicatorsFurther information

HealthLife expectancy at birthInfant mortality rate * Self-assessed health status * Potentially avoidable deathsCauses of death * Incidence, death and survival rate of all Cancer * Prevalence of heart, stroke and vascular disease * Burden of disease * Living with a disability * Risk factors: smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity and exercise * Mental health

Education and trainingPeople aged 25-64 with a vocational or higher education qualification Education participation rate for people aged 15-19 years * Year 7/8 to Year 12 apparent retention rateParticipation in adult (non-formal) learning * Participation in work-related training * Participation in informal learning

WorkUnemployment rateLong-term unemployment rate * Underemployment rate * Labour force underutilisation rate * Extended labour force underutilisation rate * Volume labour force underutilisation rateEmployment to population ratio * Labour force participation rate * Proportion of employed people working part-time * Proportion of employed people who are casual * Average weekly hours worked by full-time workers and part-time workers * Full-time adult ordinary time earnings

CrimeVictims of personal crime - assault * Victims of household crime - break-insVictims of personal crime - robbery * Victims of personal crime - sexual assault * Victims of household crime - other household crime * Feelings of safety at home alone * Feelings of safety alone in public placesCrime reporting rates * Homicide rate * Imprisonment rate * Repeat victims of crime * Repeat offenders of crime

Family, community and social cohesionNo headline indicatorProportion of children without an employed parent * Proportion of people who volunteer * Suicide rate * Drug-induced death rateChanges in family structure * Family stresses * Primary carers of elderly and disabled * Contact with family, friends and social networks * Homelessness

Democracy, governance and citizenshipNo headline indicatorProportion of overseas-born residents who are Australian citizens * People who were conferred Australian citizenship * Proportion of informal votes cast in federal elections * Number of federal parliamentary election candidates * Proportion of federal parliamentarians who are women * Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members of Federal parliaments and State and Territory legislative assemblies * Proportion of executive managers of ASX200 companies who are women * Proportion of board members of ASX200 companies who are women * Ratio of Official Development Assistance to Gross National IncomeProportion of eligible Australians enrolled to vote * Voter turnout for federal elections * Proportion actively involved in civic and political groups * Proportion who are volunteering for management, committee and coordination work * Proportion of adults who are concerned about the environment or climate change * Proportion of adults undertaking environmental action activities


Headline dimensionHeadline progress indicatorsSupplementary progress indicatorsFurther information

National incomeReal net national disposable income per capitaFinal consumption expenditure per capita * National net saving as a proportion of GDPGross domestic product per capita * Industry gross value added * Real gross state income per capita * Terms of trade * Population in work

National wealthReal national net worth per capitaReal national assets and liabilities per capita * Real net foreign debt per capitaNet capital stock per capita * Economically demonstrated resources per capita

Household economic wellbeingAverage real equivalised disposable household weekly income for those in the low and middle income groupsTotal household sector net worth* Household net worthMean value of selected household assets and liabilities * Household sector real final consumption expenditure per capita * Selected measures of equivalised disposable household income and distribution * Indicators of economic situation by household composition

HousingLow income rental affordabilityLow income renters in rental stress * Home ownership rates * Proportion of affordable homes by moderate income householdsHouse price index * Private investment in dwellings

ProductivityMultifactor ProductivityNoneBusiness innovation * Research and development * Business take-up of the Internet * Quality growth of labour inputs


Headline dimensionHeadline progress indicatorsSupplementary progress indicatorsFurther information

BiodiversityThreatened fauna speciesThreatened flora species * Proportion of Australia's total terrestrial area that is protected * Threatened ecological communitiesNone

LandNo headline indicatorAnnual area of forest conversion and reclearing * Change in native forest areaLand use * State and territory native forest areas * Plantation forest area * Salinity * Invasive species of concern * Weeds of national significance

Inland watersNo headline indicatorNet water consumption * Water consumption per person * Agricultural water use * Reuse of water per personRainfall * Water storage * Household water conservation

Oceans and estuariesNo headline indicatorAustralian fish stocks overfished and/or subject to overfishing * Commonwealth marine parks and protected areasCoastal development (coastal population) * Marine pollution from oil spills * Bycatch and illegal fishing

AtmosphereNet greenhouse gas emissions Net greenhouse gas emissions per person * Net greenhouse gas emissions by sector * Net greenhouse gas emission per unit of GDP * Energy production from renewable sources (PJ)Greenhouse gas emissions from land use sector * Number of days exceeding 4-hour ozone NEPM * Number of days exceeding fine particle concentrations NEPM * Ozone depleting potential tonnes * Number of days exceeding sulphur dioxide emissions * Average annual temperature anomalies

WasteNo headline indicatorTotal waste generated * Waste generated per person * Total waste disposed to landfill * Waste diversion rate * Waste emissionsHousehold recycling

Supplementary dimensions

Supplementary dimensionSupplementary progress indicatorOther indicators

Culture and leisureParticipation in sport and physical recreation * Attendance at cultural venues and events * Attendance at sporting eventsTime spent on recreation and leisure * Cultural trade * Volunteering in sports and culture

CommunicationHousehold internet access * Household broadband access * Household computer accessShopping online * Social networks * Internet security

TransportRoad deaths * Passenger vehicles per 1,000Fuel consumption and emissions * Rail, sea, air and freight

InflationConsumer price index * Domestic final demand price indexTotal final consumption expenditure * Total gross fixed capital formation

Competitiveness and opennessReal unit labour costs * Trade weighted index * Ratio of imports to GDP * Foreign ownership of Australian enterpriseNone


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