The key objective of the ABS Centre for Data Integration is to build strong partnerships with data custodians, users and the Australian community in unleashing the full value of existing data sources to contribute to the evidence base needed to inform on a range of important social, economic and environmental issues.
Statistical data integration brings together existing data sources or collections to create new datasets for statistical, policy and research purposes. Integrated datasets provide increased access to government held data, an efficient way of meeting current and emerging information requirements as well as the opportunity to more effectively support policy development, research and discussion.
The ABS Centre for Data Integration undertakes a range of data integration projects in partnership with data custodians and users. It supports best practice in conducting data integration projects through the development of infrastructure, resources and tools, and manages internal policy and governance arrangements. This ensures the ABS is able to innovate in the harvesting of existing data to contribute to the evidence base needed and is able to undertake high risk integration projects, including those involving the linkage of sensitive data.
In addition, the ABS provides strategic and collaborative leadership through participation in the governance arrangements for data integration involving Commonwealth data for statistical and research purposes. The ABS provides the Secretariat for this important Australian Government initiative. Further information is available from the National Statistical Services website: http:/www.nss.gov.au.
The main outputs from the ABS data integration program include the integration of existing Census, survey, transactional and administrative data sources to deliver new insights on the interrelationships between factors across social, economic and environmental domains. Key flagship data integration projects include the:
- Business Longitudinal Database which allows analysts to monitor and evaluate the impacts of policies and industry trends on Australian businesses at the individual business level: Microdata: Business Longitudinal Database, Australia (cat. no. 8168.0.55.001)
- Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset, which links 2006 and 2011 Census records longitudinally and successive Censuses to build a picture of how social and economic pathways vary for a diverse range of population sub-groups over the long term: Microdata: Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset (cat. no. 2080.0).
The main medium-term developments are to:
- lead the creation of enduring, foundational data linkage systems that maximise the use of vast ABS and non-ABS data holdings for research purposes - due 2015-16
- unlock the value of key integrated datasets through improved access and linkage arrangements that better meet user needs while appropriately managing confidentiality requirements - due 2015-16
- build and maintain key partnerships to make better use of currently available and emerging information sources, obtainable through government, commercial or community sources - ongoing
- drive innovation for statistics and research that capitalises on new opportunities presented by information sources and linkage methodologies - due 2018-19.
Bindi Kindermann (A/g)
Data Integration Microdata Futures Branch
Program costs | $m |
2015-16 | 1.8 |
2016-17 | 1.2 |
2017-18 | 1.3 |