1006.0 - Forward Work Program, 2014-15 to 2017-18  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 06/08/2014   
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The Economic Analysis and Reporting Program encompasses macroeconomic statistics research, quality improvements, development of new products, economic analysis and reporting and economic integration and advisory functions. This set of functions is designed to improve the ABS’s capability to produce high quality macroeconomic statistics in the longer term, while addressing emerging priorities in the short term. Analytical activities in the program range from research projects to improve the accuracy and coherence of existing economic statistics and develop new statistical products, through to operational efforts to increase the efficiency of statistical operations.

The program compiles and publishes aggregate market sector and industry level multifactor productivity statistics and conducts research into the measurement and interpretation of these statistics.


Regular publications of the program include:

Additionally, the program produces research or information papers on the following areas:
  • productivity measurement
  • economic analysis using the Business Longitudinal Database and other microdata sets
  • human capital measurement
  • periodic reviews and standards upgrades for macroeconomic statistics.


The main medium term developments in the program are to:
  • expand Estimates of Industry Multifactor Productivity to include experimental growth accounting decompositions of market sector labour productivity, particularly to show industry's contribution of information technology (IT) and non-IT capital per hour, labour composition, and multifactor productivity; and growth accounts for mining capturing the contribution to output growth from the growth in mineral and energy inputs - due December 2014
  • release a research paper on industry productivity measures extended to include a decomposition of intermediate inputs into energy, materials and services - due mid 2015
  • exploring the suitability of administrative and transactional data in compiling official economic statistics - ongoing
  • undertaking research into aspects of the quality of macroeconomic and financial statistics arising from various reviews - ongoing
  • researching statistical treatments and gathering data for inclusion of emissions trading and carbon credits schemes in economic accounts as they evolve - ongoing.


Michael Beahan
Assistant Statistician
Industry & Productivity Statistics Branch


Program costs