Welcome to the latest edition of Australian Labour Market Statistics (cat. no. 6105.0), a publication designed to help you stay informed about key labour market measures and the latest developments in the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) labour statistics program. Each edition contains a summary of key labour market measures with both the latest key figures and a range of time series graphs.
This issue focuses on labour underutilisation, which includes unemployment, underemployment and people marginally attached to the labour force who could be considered part of the potential labour supply (including discouraged jobseekers). The fact sheets explain the main features of labour underutilisation and the measures produced, and the feature article examines the impact of economic downturns on labour underutilisation and other key labour force measures.
- Fact sheet: Labour underutilisation: more than unemployment explains what labour underutilisation is;
- Fact sheet: Measures of labour underutilisation describes the ABS suite of measures for labour underutilisation; and
- Feature article: Labour force characteristics during recent economic downturns uses a full range of labour force measures to form a comprehensive picture of the labour market, particularly during times of economic decline - noting how some of these measures are influenced by changes in the underlying civilian population.
This issue also includes information on
Recent developments in ABS labour market statistics and updates on
Current Activities, including:
- review of the labour household survey program; and
- review of Topics @ a glance - Labour.
See the
Recent developments,
Current Activities and
Find Out More pages for more details on these developments.
Changes to Australian Labour Market Statistics: where have the tables gone?
As announced in the October issue of
Australian Labour Market Statistics (cat. no. 6105.0), changes are being made from this issue on. Earlier editions of this publication contained tables which drew together a range of labour statistics from a number of ABS sources and some international comparisons from the International Labour Organisation. These tables reproduced information that is freely available from the original sources.To ensure that users have access to the most up to date sources of data and information, this publication will no longer contain data that can be found elsewhere.
Labour Statistics Data Sources contains more information on how to access ABS labour market statistics, and links to original sources for the discontinued tables from
Australian Labour Market Statistics (cat. no. 6105.0).
Some information provided in earlier editions was unique to this publication and is still available. The datacubes:
- Extended labour force underutilisation rate;
- Volume measures of labour underutilisation; and
- Employment type time series
will continue to be released annually.
In addition, four new datacubes will be published each quarter containing information on:
- All families: family type by labour force status;
- Employed persons: actual hours worked in all jobs;
- Unemployed persons: reason for unemployment by industry and occupation of last job; and
- Underemployed: industry and occupation.
Each of these datacubes is available free of charge from the ABS website
<https://www.abs.gov.au> under the Downloads tab for this publication.
Feedback and comments
If you have any questions about aspects of the labour statistics program, you can contact us on (02) 6252 7206 or email <labour.statistics@abs.gov.au>.
Find out more page contains further information and contact details.
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