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The Australian Government Department of Education used information from the ECEC Workforce Census 2013 to adjust for under-reporting of children in preschool in the CCMS data. This is a self-report survey conducted at a service level. In 2013 the response rate of LDC services was 86.4%. From the ECEC Workforce Census it is possible to determine which LDC service providers were providing a preschool program (using a range of service and worker variables) in the survey reference week (20 – 26 May 2013). This information, along with information on the aggregate number of children attending preschool and LDC were used to impute additional information on preschool attendance in the CCMS data. The imputation improved the completeness of the CCMS data. However, as the imputation is based on data collected in a self-report survey, with a level of non-response, the resulting numbers should be considered as estimates and interpreted appropriately. In 2013 worker data is available from the ECEC Workforce Census 2013. Data on workers from responding organisations in scope were provided to ABS. Timeliness The CCMS involves service providers uploading weekly attendance information for children enrolled at their service. Data were extracted from the system for a collection reference period of 29 July to 4 August 2013. Extraction of the data, enhancement based on information from the ECEC Workforce Census 2013, processing and validation took approximately 2 to 3 months from the collection date, at which time data were delivered to the ABS. Accuracy Under A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999 (Cwlth), approved child care services are required to submit certain records such as weekly enrolments and attendance record reports for each child to the Australian Government Department of Education electronically, using an approved software. To ensure there are no duplicate enrolments, the Australian Government Department of Education checks dates of birth and Child Reference Numbers as well as Service Client IDs so there can only be one current enrolment at a service for the same parent/guardian and child combination. The CCMS has a high level of accuracy in reporting information on child demographics (such as name, date of birth and address information) and children’s attendance in child care services, as this information contributes to the provision of CCB. However, some service provider characteristics and information on children’s attendance in preschool programs was subject to a level of service non-response, as the provision of this data by service providers was not mandatory. Furthermore, as not all services use the same software to record the information into CCMS, the various interfaces used to input to CCMS can influence what is recorded. The Australian Government Department of Education used information from the ECEC Workforce Census 2013 to adjust for under-reporting of children in preschool in the CCMS data. This is a self-report survey conducted at a service level. In 2013 the response rate of LDC services was 86.4%. From the ECEC Workforce Census it is possible to determine which LDC service providers were providing a preschool program (using a range of service and worker variables) in the survey reference week (20 – 26 May 2013). This information, along with information on the aggregate number of children attending preschool and LDC and the hours of teaching provided were used to impute additional information on preschool attendance in the CCMS data. The imputation improved the completeness of the CCMS data. However, as the imputation is based on data collected in a self-report survey, with a level of non-response, the resulting numbers should be considered as estimates and interpreted appropriately. In 2013, worker data is available from the ECEC Workforce Census 2013. Data on workers from responding organisations in scope was provided to ABS. Coherence In 2012 the under reporting of preschool attendance in the CCMS was adjusted through information collected by following up with individual organisations who were identified as likely to be providing a preschool program (but who did not report children attending preschool in CCMS). This boosted preschool children numbers by around a third in 2012. In 2013 a similar approach was used as under-reporting of preschool attendance is still an issue. However, rather than a direct follow up with service providers after the reference week, information collected in the National ECEC Workforce Census 2013 was used to identify service providers who reported providing a preschool program (according to the ECEC NMDS specifications) in the survey reference week in May 2013. Despite this, data sourced from the 2013 CCMS were of sufficient quality and comparability for use as a supplement to state and territory data, thereby improving 2013 coverage of preschool programs delivered in the LDC sector Deviations between the 2013 ECEC NMDS and data collected from the CCMS, are outlined in Table 6.1. 6.1 DEVIATION OF COLLECTION FROM THE 2013 ECEC NMDS
Counts of Children: It is possible for a child to be concurrently enrolled in, and attending, two or more preschool programs and attend preschool across years. In order to address collection requirements, it is important to be able to identify matched episode records for a child accurately, both within a collection cycle and between years. Children in a Preschool Program in 2013:
As CCMS data was imputed using supplementary data from two different sources (a directed follow up of service providers in 2012 and the National ECEC Workforce Census in 2013) the identification of individual children attending in both 2012 and 2013 will be subject to some error. Interpretability A newsletter prompting providers to complete the preschool component of CCMS and outlining the definitions as per the ECEC NMDS were sent to LDC providers and CCMS software providers prior to the reference week. Extensive explanatory information was provided in a handbook and a telephone enquiry help desk was available to assist users with queries about how to report information under the CCMS. The CCMS handbook is available for download from the Australian Government Department of Education website, along with other instruction sheets and explanatory materials, at <>. Accessibility Data sourced from the preschool program component of the CCMS for the 2013 Collection are published at the state and territory level in Preschool Education, Australia, 2013 (cat no. 4240.0) on the ABS website. Selected data from the CCMS are available on the Australian Government Department of Education website: <>. Information Source The information in this report has been sourced from Australian Government Department of Education in consultation with the ABS. Further information is available from the Australian Government Department of Education website: <>. Back to top