Appendix A - Explanatory Script - Main Language Other than English Spoken at Home
Why are these question modules asked?
Data related to Main Language Other than English Spoken at Home can be used to provide information about Australia's language background. It also assists in the planning and implementation of English teaching programs, translation and interpreter services.
Question module for Detailed Data
[Do you] [Does the person] [Does (name) [Will (name of child under two years)] speak a language other than English at Home?
No, English only
Yes, Mandarin
Yes, Italian
Yes, Arabic
Yes, Cantonese
Yes, Greek
Yes, Vietnamese
Yes, Spanish
Yes, Hindi
Yes, Tagalog
Yes, Other - please specify .............
Interview based questionnaires
If a respondent identifies that they only speak English at home, the interviewer marks the 'No, English only' tick box. When a respondent identifies that they speak another language other than English at home, the interviewer marks the tick box for that language. For a respondent who identifies a language not in the tick box list, the interviewer writes the language name
in the 'Yes, Other - please specify' category.
Self enumerated questionnaires
A respondent marks the 'No, English only' tick box, if only English is spoken at home. When a respondent identifies that they speak another language other than English at home, they mark the tick box for that language. With a language not in the tick box list, the respondent writes the language name in the 'Yes, Other - please specify' category.
[Do you] [Does the person] [Does (name)] [Will (name of child under two years)] speak a language other than English at home?
No, English only
Yes, Other - please specify ................
Interview based questionnaires
If the respondent only speaks English at home, the interviewer marks the 'No, English only' tick box. For a respondent who identifies a language other than English, the interviewer writes the language name
in the 'Yes, Other - please specify' category.
Self enumerated questionnaires
If only English is spoken at home, a respondent marks the 'No, English only' tick box. If a respondent speaks another language other than English at home, they write the language in the 'Yes, Other - please specify category'.
Question module for Minimum Data
[Do you] [Does the person] [Does (name)] [Will (name of child under two years)] speak a language other than English at home?
No, English only
Yes, Other
Interview based questionnaires
If the respondent only speaks English at home, the interviewer marks the 'English only' tick box. For all other responses in which a respondent speaks another language other than English, the interviewer marks the tick box for 'Yes, Other'.
Self enumerated questionnaires
The respondent marks the 'English only' tick box, if only English is spoken at home. Where a respondent speaks another language other than English the respondent marks the tick box for 'Yes, Other'.