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EDUCATION Highest year of school completed
Highest non-school qualification Respondents aged 15 years and over were asked if they had completed a non-school qualification such as a trade certificate, diploma, degree or any other educational qualification. Those who had were asked to provide details of that qualification, including level and main field of study. Output categories for level of highest non-school qualification are:
Output categories for main field of highest non-school qualification are:
A more detailed classification is also available for main field of highest non-school qualification. Current study Respondents were asked whether they were currently studying for an educational qualification. Current study excludes respondents who:
Respondents aged 15 years and over who were currently studying were also asked at what type of institution they were currently enrolled at:
Respondents who identified that they were studying at secondary school at this stage were asked what year/course they were currently enrolled in:
Respondents aged 15 years and over who reported studying at an institution other than secondary school years 9-12 were asked about the level, field, and full-time/part-time status of their current study. This information was also collected for those respondents that selected 'other' for the institution/course of their study. Apprentices who attend one day per week or on block release were classified as in part-time study. Output categories for current non-school qualification and fields of study are the same as those listed above for highest level of non-school qualification, other than the addition of a category for those students who are secondary school students only. Data items Data items and related output categories for this topic will be available in Excel spreadsheet format from the Downloads page of this product. Interpretation Points to be considered in interpreting this topic include the following.
Comparability with 2004-05 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS) Education is considered to be directly comparable between the 2004-05 and the 2012-13 surveys, except for the 15-19 year old population. In 2004-05, 15-19 year old respondents who identified that they were currently studying on the household form were not asked education questions, however they were asked in subsequent surveys including the 2012-13 NATSIHS. Level and main field of current study were not included in the 2004-05 NATSIHS. Comparability with 2008 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (NATSISS) Education is considered to be directly comparable between the 2008 NATSISS and the 2012-13 NATSIHS. Level and main field of current study were not included in the 2008 NATSISS. Comparability with 2011-12 Australian Health Survey (AHS) Education is considered to be directly comparable between the 2011-12 AHS and the 2012-13 AATSIHS.