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Human resources devoted to R&D The effort of researchers, technicians and other staff directly involved with R&D activity. Overhead staff (e.g. administrative and general service employees such as personnel officers, janitors, etc.) whose work indirectly supports R&D, are excluded. Labour costs Expenditure relating to: wages and salaries; overtime earnings; penalty payments; shift allowances; employer contributions into superannuation; fringe benefits and payroll taxes; severance, termination and redundancy payments; workers' compensation premiums/costs; provisions for employee entitlements; salaries and fees of directors and executives; retainers and commissions of persons who received a retainer; bonuses; annual and other types of paid leave. Other commonwealth government All other targeted research funding from commonwealth agencies, including: R&D grants such as CRC and MNRF grants (but excluding Australian Competitive Grants Register schemes); and payments for R&D projects carried out on contract for commonwealth government. Other examples of funding included are:
Other current expenditure All other non-staff expenditures including materials, fuels, water, sewerage, rent and hiring expenses, repairs and maintenance, cleaning services, postage, freight, telephone, academic services purchased from outside and any other current expenses which are not captured by labour costs or scholarships. Payments for patent searches and for purchases of technical know-how are excluded. Other staff Technicians, skilled and unskilled craftpersons, secretarial and clerical staff directly associated with R&D activity. Person years of effort One person year of effort is equal to a full time employee whose time is wholly devoted to R&D for a whole year. Pure basic research Experimental and theoretical work undertaken to acquire new knowledge without looking for long term benefits other than the advancement of knowledge. R&D activity Systematic investigation or experimentation involving innovation or technical risk, the outcome of which is new knowledge, with or without a specific practical application, or new or improved products, processes, materials, devices or services. R&D activity extends to modifications to existing products/processes. R&D activity ceases and pre-production begins when work is no longer experimental. Scholarships Comprises expenditure by the university on scholarships for research higher degrees. Socio-economic objective (SEO) Reflects the purpose of the R&D as perceived by the data provider. The SEO classification consists of discrete economic, social, technological or scientific domains for identifying the principal purpose of the R&D. Strategic basic research Experimental and theoretical work undertaken to acquire new knowledge directed into specified broad areas in the expectation of practical discoveries. It provides the broad base of knowledge necessary for the solution of recognised practical problems. Type of activity This classification allows R&D activity to be categorised according to the type of research effort, namely, pure basic research, strategic basic research, applied research and experimental development. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.