7124.0 - Historical Selected Agriculture Commodities, by State (1861 to Present), 2010-11 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 06/03/2013   
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Contents >> Potatoes

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Potato production has increased significantly, growing exponentially from 1861 to the late 1990s before steadying at current levels of 1.1 million tonnes in 2010-11.

Historically, Victoria and Tasmania have been the biggest potato production states. Victorian production reached a high in 1988 which was followed by a gradual decrease in subsequent years. Tasmania production started to decrease from 1998-99 onwards. From the early 2000 South Australia has steadily increased its production and has overtaken Tasmania and Victoria as the largest potato producer in Australia. The South Australian 2010-11 season contributed 356 thousand tonnes which accounted for 32% of the Australian total.

The area under cultivation has been relatively stable with the only significant change in area occurring during and around 1944-45. In order to meet the requirements of the Australian home market during war times and to supply Australian and Allied troops, production levels of potatoes increased significantly.

For further information on the potato industry and its history please visit Year Book Australia, 2008, Potatoes - The World's favourite Vegetable, (cat. no. 1301.0).

Graph Image for Potatoes (production and area)

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