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September 2012 was the smallest wheat export month since October 2011.
The total of wheat grain exported in September 2012 was 1.7 million tonnes, down by 489 thousand tonnes (or 22%) since August 2012 (revised).
All states except Western Australia experienced a reduction in wheat grain exports. Compared to wheat grain exports in August 2012, Queensland fell by 60%, Victoria by 46%, New South Wales by 36% and South Australia by 17% .
Western Australia was the only state that registered an increase in wheat grain exports since August 2012, up by 30 thousand tonnes (4%) to 817 thousand tonnes. Western Australian wheat grain exports accounted for 48% of the Australian total in September 2012.
Annotation(s): (a) The end of September is used to represent the closing stocks of wheat grain prior to the commencement of the next harvest period (October to September).
In August 2012, Indonesia imported the most Australian wheat grain, with 324 thousand tonnes which was 193 thousand tonnes less than in July 2012. The Republic of Korea with 303 thousand tonnes (down by 14 thousand tonnes) and China with 272 thousand tonnes (up by 29 thousand tonnes) imported the second, respectively third largest amount of Australian wheat grain.
Footnote(s): Source: ABS data available on request, International trade.