Each five-yearly Census provides a rich set of information about Australian people and households at a point in time. The Census provides information on characteristics such as age, sex, Indigenous status, country of birth and year of arrival; together with topics such as family structure, education and qualifications, work - including hours worked, occupation and industry - income and housing, and presence of a severe or profound disability. It is able to provide a rich picture of social and economic conditions at a particular point in time, and how these conditions are changing over time and across population groups.
The ACLD adds the ability to study changing patterns in social and economic conditions at the individual level, gives insight into the pathways that tend to lead to particular outcomes, and how these pathways vary for different population groups. It aims to help in the development of strategies to promote positive pathways and avoid negative ones, and assist policy makers in assessing both the social and financial benefits of related intervention strategies.
The ACLD is accessible through the ABS Survey TableBuilder, which is an online tool, enabling continuous access to data. In built confidentiality routines in TableBuilder ensure that no information that is likely to enable identification of an individual or household is released. For more information about access to the ACLD in ABS Survey TableBuilder see, Microdata: Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset, 2006-2011 (cat. no. 2080.0).