Users of the Producer Price Indexes (PPIs) and International Trade Price Indexes (ITPIs) have found some of the terminology used confusing. As a result, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has changed some terminology to better align with international standard terminology as used in the international frameworks, such as the
2008 (2008 SNA) and the International Monetary Fund's (IMF's) 2004 Producer Price Index Manual. Aligning with international standards will provide clarity of meaning and comparability.
2008 SNA terminology when referencing indexes that align with the 2008 SNA. This will result in some changes to PPI series titles.
Term | Context | Corresponding 2008 SNA term | Outcome |
Sector | In the PPI context, sector has been taken to describe groupings of enterprises under an industrial classification such as ANZSIC (Division, Sub–division, Group or Class). Sector should only refer to groupings of institutions of similar ownership and role, such as the private non–financial corporations sector. | The correct terminology to describe those enterprises grouped under an industrial classification is Industry. | Industry or industry grouping will replace sector. |
Materials | In the PPI context, materials has been used to describe intermediate inputs into production. | The 2008 SNA describes materials (and supplies) as consisting of all products that an enterprise holds in inventory with the intention of using them as intermediate inputs into production. | Products (goods and services) will replace Materials. |
Articles | In the PPI context, articles has been used to describe the result of a process of production. | The 2008 SNA describes Products as goods and services that result from a process of production. | Products Produced will replace Articles Produced. |
Commodity | In the PPI context a commodity has been used to describe various states of product, from a raw material to a final good. | Commodities are generically described as goods. | Product will replace commodity. |
Items | In the PPI context an item has used to describe the result of a process of production. | The 2008 SNA describes Products as goods and services that result from a process of production. | Product will replace item. |
As a consequence of Table 4.1 above, there are changes to the titles of the PPIs and Stage of Production (SOP) indexes. Table 4.2 outlines the changes to index titles from the September quarter 2012.
Table number | Index title pre September quarter 2012 | Table number | Index title post September quarter 2012 |
Tables of Stage of Production Producer Price Indexes |  |  |
Table 1 | Index numbers by stage and source | Table 1 | Index numbers by stage and source |
Table 2 | Percentage changes by stage and source | Table 2 | Percentage changes by stage and source |
Table 3 | Final commodities by source and destination | Table 3 | Final demand by source and destination, excluding exports, index numbers |
Table 4 | Percentage change, final commodities by source and destination | Table 4 | Final demand by source and destination, excluding exports, percentage changes |
Table 5 | Contribution to change in final commodities index by industry and destination | Table 5 | Contribution to change in Final demand index by industry and destination |
Table 6 | Contribution to change in domestic final commodities index by industry and destination | Table 6 | Contribution to change in domestic Final demand index by industry and destination |
Table 7 | Contribution to change in imported final commodities index by industry and destination | Table 7 | Contribution to change in imported Final demand index by industry and destination |
Table 8 | Contribution to change in intermediate commodities index by industry and destination | Table 8 | Contribution to change in Intermediate demand index by industry and source |
Table 9 | Contribution to change in preliminary commodities index by industry and destination | Table 9 | Contribution to change in preliminary demand index by industry and source |
Additional Tables available on the ABS Website |  |  |
Table 10 | Articles produced by manufacturing industries, division index numbers and percentage changes | Table 12 | Output of the Manufacturing industries, division, subdivision, group and class index numbers |
Table 11 | Articles produced by manufacturing industries, index numbers for subdivisions, groups and classes | Table 13 | Input to the Manufacturing industries, division and selected industries index numbers and percentage changes |
Table 12 | Materials used in manufacturing industries, index numbers for division and selected materials | Table 14 | Input to the Manufacturing industries, subdivision index numbers |
Table 13 | Materials used in manufacturing industries, division percentage changes | Table 15 | Metallic input to Fabricated metal products industry, index numbers |
Table 14 | Materials used in manufacturing industries, index numbers for subdivisions | Table 16 | Copper input to the Other electrical equipment manufacturing industry, index numbers and percentage changes |
Table 15 | Selected output of Division E – Construction, subdivision and class index numbers | Table 17 | Output of the Construction industries, subdivision and class index numbers |
Table 16 | Materials used in house building, index numbers by state capital city | Table 18 | Input to the House construction industry, all groups and six state capital cities, index numbers and percentage changes |
Table 17 | Material used in house building, percentage change by state capital city | Table 19 | Asphalt supplied and placed, weighted average of six state capital cities, index numbers |
Table 18 | Materials used in coal mining, index numbers and percentage changes | Table 11 | Input to the Coal mining industry, index numbers and percentage changes |
Table 19 | Selected output of Division I – Transport, postal and warehousing, group and class index numbers | Table 20 | Output of the Accommodation and food services industries, group index numbers |
Table 20 | Selected output of Division J – Information media and telecommunications, Division O – Public administration and safety, and Division S – Other services, group and class index numbers | Table 21 | Output of the Transport, postal and warehousing industries, group and class index numbers |
Table 21 | Selected output of Division L – Rental, hiring and real estate services, subdivision, group and class index numbers | Table 22 | Output of the Information media and telecommunications industries, group and class index numbers |
Table 22 | Selected output of Division M – Professional, scientific and technical services, group and class index numbers | Table 23 | Output of the Rental, hiring and real estate services industries, subdivision, group and class index numbers |
Table 23 | Selected output of Division N – Administrative and support services, group and class index numbers | Table 24 | Output of the Professional, scientific and technical services industries, group and class index numbers |
 |  | Table 25 | Output of the Administrative and support services industries, group and class index numbers |
 |  | Table 26 | Output of the Public administration and safety industries, group and class index numbers |
 |  | Table 27 | Output of the Other services industries, group and class index numbers |
Table 24 | Stage of Production :Index numbers, Final commodities by source and destination, including exports | Table 10 | Final demand by source and destination, including exports, index numbers and percentage changes |
Table 25 | Stage of Production :Percentage change, final commodities by source and destination, including exports |
Table 26 | Price indexes of articles produced by manufacturing industries: contribution of subdivisions and groups | Table 29 | Output of the Manufacturing industries, subdivision and group index points changes |
Table 27 | Price indexes of materials used in manufacturing industries: contribution of selected materials | Table 28 | Input to the Manufacturing industries, group index points changes |
Table 28 | Price indexes of materials used in manufacturing industries :Indexes of metallic materials used in the fabricated metal products |
Table 29 | Price indexes of materials used in house building, All groups index by state capital cities index (index points) | Table 30 | Input to the House construction industry, all groups and six state capital cities, index points changes |
Table 30 | Price indexes of copper materials: Copper materials used in the manufacture of electrical equipment, index numbers and percentage changes |
Table 31 | Price indexes for asphalt supplied and placed: index numbers, weighted average of six state capital cities |