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DETAILED METADATA Contact Data custodian: Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Contact: Director, Diversity and Flexibility branch Address: 50 Marcus Clarke St, Canberra, ACT, 2601 Telephone: 1300 363 079 Facsimile: n/a Email: Internet: Agency responsible for collecting the data: Centre for Gender Related Violence Studies, University of NSW & Micromex Research. Contact for questions about the research: Ludo McFerran Address: Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse, University of NSW, Sydney, NSW, 2052 Telephone: (02) 9385 2990 Facsimile: (02) 9385 2993 Email:
2 Ever obtained a protection order.
Definition of Family and Domestic Violence No single definition of domestic violence was applied in the survey. Questions asked about “your experience of domestic violence” and respondents were able to self-define, within the context of understandings of domestic violence in their community. For the purposes of defining domestic violence in a domestic violence clause, the Domestic Violence and Workplace Rights and Entitlements’ project recommends that the definition in state or territory legislation in which the clauses will operate is the most appropriate. Aspects of FDV captured in the data are:
Relationship to Conceptual Framework for Family and Domestic Violence (Cat. No. 4529.0)
Collection methodology Micromex Research was contracted to develop the questionnaire and conduct the survey on behalf of the researchers at the Centre for Gender Related Violence Studies, University of NSW. Respondents sent accompanying letters informing them about the Project and assuring them that their participation was voluntary and information would be confidential. Respondents were also provided with information about domestic violence telephone and internet counselling services. Ethics approval for the research was granted by the University of NSW. The survey was primarily conducted on-line. The Australian Education Union (Victorian Branch), the Australian Services Union (Victorian Authorities and Services Branch), National Tertiary Education Union, the NSW Nurses’ Association and the NSW Teachers Federation assisted in distributing the survey via email to their members. The projected sample size was 1,000 and 3,611 completed responses were received, with a maximum sampling error of +/-1.6% at 95% confidence for the whole dataset. The maximum sampling error by partnership organisation was approximately +/-4.9% at 95% confidence. Respondents were largely females (81%) aged 45 and over (64%) in full-time employment (65%) who were born in Australia (73%). Most respondents were members of the tertiary education or nursing unions (90%). The sample was not intended to be representative of the Australian population overall and no weighting has been applied. The survey asked respondents whether or not they had experienced domestic violence in the previous 12 months or more than 12 months ago. If not, they were able to provide information about people they knew who had experienced domestic violence in the workplace. If they had neither direct nor indirect experience of domestic violence, they were asked two attitudinal questions. Scope / target population The target population was working Australians. Coverage Whilst a range of unions were approached to participate in the survey ultimately union members employed in the nursing, tertiary, teaching and services sectors responded. People employed in other sectors, those who are self-employed and employees who were not members of the unions/ employee groups that assisted in the survey distribution were not included in the sample for practical reasons. Geographic coverage and disaggregation National Data available for: Australia Frequency / Timing Once only. Collection history Collection commenced: February - July 2011 Breaks in series: n/a Other details: n/a Data availability / Dissemination Published report. Other data sources held by this agency n/a Has this data source changed? Contact the ABS to report updates or corrections to the information above.