2011–12 tables | 2012–13 tables | Comments |
Federal defendants, Australia |
1.1 SUMMARY CHARACTERISTICS OF ALL FEDERAL DEFENDANTS, Court level, 2008–09 to 2011–12 | 1 (Data Cube Federal defendants and offences, Australia) SUMMARY CHARACTERISTICS OF ALL FEDERAL DEFENDANTS, Court level, 2008–09 to 2012–13 |  |
1.2 FEDERAL DEFENDANTS, Court level by principal federal offence | 2 (Data Cube Federal defendants and offences, Australia) FEDERAL DEFENDANTS, Court level by principal federal offence |  |
1.3 FEDERAL DEFENDANTS – ALL COURTS, Sex by principal federal offence, 2010–11 to 2011–12 | 3 (Data Cube Federal defendants and offences, Australia) FEDERAL DEFENDANTS – ALL COURTS, Sex by principal federal offence | Time-series has been removed. (a) |
1.4 FEDERAL DEFENDANTS – ALL COURTS, Principal federal offence by states and territories | 10 (Data Cube Federal defendants and offences, States and territories) FEDERAL DEFENDANTS – ALL COURTS, Principal federal offence by states and territories | Moved to the state and territory data cube. |
1.5 FEDERAL DEFENDANTS, Court level by sex and age | 4 (Data Cube Federal defendants and offences, Australia) FEDERAL DEFENDANTS, Court level by sex and age |  |
1.6 FEDERAL DEFENDANTS – ALL COURTS, Sex and age by states and territories | 11 (Data Cube Federal defendants and offences, States and territories) FEDERAL DEFENDANTS – ALL COURTS, Sex and age by states and territories | Moved to the state and territory data cube. |
1.7 FEDERAL DEFENDANTS – ALL COURTS, Duration from initiation to finalisation by method of finalisation and principal federal offence | 5 (Data Cube Federal defendants and offences, Australia) FEDERAL DEFENDANTS – ALL COURTS, Duration from initiation to finalisation by method of finalisation and principal federal offence | Mean and median duration have been added. |
1.8 FEDERAL DEFENDANTS – ALL COURTS, Method of finalisation by principal federal offence | 6 (Data Cube Federal defendants and offences, Australia) FEDERAL DEFENDANTS – ALL COURTS, Method of finalisation by principal federal offence |  |
1.9 FEDERAL DEFENDANTS PROVEN GUILTY – ALL COURTS, Principal sentence by principal federal offence | 7 (Data Cube Federal defendants and offences, Australia) FEDERAL DEFENDANTS PROVEN GUILTY – ALL COURTS, Principal sentence by principal federal offence | More detailed breakdown of custodial orders has been added. |
1.10 FEDERAL DEFENDANTS – HIGHER COURTS, Method of finalisation by selected principal federal offence |  | Table has been removed. (a) |
1.11 FEDERAL DEFENDANTS PROVEN GUILTY – HIGHER COURTS, Principal sentence by selected principal federal offence |  | Table has been removed. (a) |
1.12 FEDERAL DEFENDANTS – MAGISTRATES' AND CHILDREN'S COURTS, Method of finalisation by principal federal offence |  | Table has been removed. (a) |
1.13 FEDERAL DEFENDANTS PROVEN GUILTY – MAGISTRATES' AND CHILDREN'S COURTS, Principal sentence by principal federal offence |  | Table has been removed. (a) |
1.14 FEDERAL OFFENCES, Court level by federal offence | 8 (Data Cube Federal defendants and offences, Australia) FEDERAL OFFENCES, Court level by federal offence |  |
1.15 FEDERAL OFFENCES – ALL COURTS, Federal offence by states and territories |  | Table has been removed. Data are available in Table 12. |
Offences by federal offence group, Australia |
2.1 FEDERAL OFFENCES, Court level by federal offence group, 2008–09 to 2011–12 | 13 (Data Cube Offences by federal offence group, Australia) FEDERAL OFFENCES – ALL COURTS, Federal offence group by states and territories, 2008–09 to 2012–13 | Court level has been replaced with state and territory. |
2.2 FEDERAL OFFENCES – ALL COURTS, Federal offence group by states and territories |  | Table has been removed. Data are available in Table 13. |
2.3 FEDERAL OFFENCES – ALL COURTS, Method of finalisation by federal offence group | 14 (Data Cube Offences by federal offence group, Australia) FEDERAL OFFENCES – ALL COURTS, Method of finalisation by federal offence group |  |
2.4 FEDERAL OFFENCES PROVEN GUILTY – ALL COURTS, Sentence type by federal offence group | 15 (Data Cube Offences by federal offence group, Australia) FEDERAL OFFENCE SENTENCES – ALL COURTS, Sentence type by federal offence group |  |
2.5 FEDERAL OFFENCES – HIGHER COURTS, Method of finalisation by federal offence group |  | Table has been removed. (a) |
2.6 FEDERAL OFFENCES PROVEN GUILTY – HIGHER COURTS, Sentence type by federal offence group |  | Table has been removed. (a) |
2.7 FEDERAL OFFENCES – MAGISTRATES' AND CHILDREN'S COURTS, Method of finalisation by federal offence group |  | Table has been removed. (a) |
2.8 FEDERAL OFFENCES PROVEN GUILTY – MAGISTRATES' AND CHILDREN'S COURTS, Sentence type by federal offence group |  | Table has been removed. (a) |
Federal defendants and offences, NSW (Comparison given for New South Wales only) |
3.1 SUMMARY CHARACTERISTICS OF ALL FEDERAL DEFENDANTS, New South Wales, 2008–09 to 2011–12 | 9 (Data Cube Federal defendants and offences, States and territories) SUMMARY CHARACTERISTICS OF ALL FEDERAL DEFENDANTS, States and territories, 2008–09 to 2012–13 | Tables 1 and 2 have been combined by adding ANZSOC as a characteristic to Table 1.
Mean and median duration have also been added.
All states and territories are now in one table. |
3.2 FEDERAL DEFENDANTS – ALL COURTS, New South Wales, Sex by principal federal offence, 2010–11 to 2011–12 |  | See Table 3.1. |
3.3 FEDERAL OFFENCES – ALL COURTS, New South Wales, Federal offence group, 2008–09 to 2011–12
| 12 (Data Cube Federal defendants and offences, States and territories) FEDERAL OFFENCES – ALL COURTS, Federal offence by states and territories, 2008–09 to 2012–13 | All states and territories are now in one table. |