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Married registered
A registered marriage may be reported in both Registered Marital Status (MSTP) and Social Marital Status (MDCP). Registered Marital Status (MSTP) is coded from the question 'What is the person's present marital status?'. Social Marital Status (MDCP) is derived from both the marital status question and the relationship in household question.
The counts of people in registered marriages differ depending on which variable is used. Some of the reasons for this variation are as follows:
A person may live alone, in a group house, or with other relatives and still be legally married. If this is the case he/she would have a social marital status of 'not married' and a registered marital status of 'married'.
A person currently living with a partner in a de facto marriage may report himself/herself as married in the marital status question. In this case he/she would have a social marital status of 'married in a de facto marriage' and a registered marital status of 'married'.
A person in a de facto marriage may report a relationship to Person 1 of 'husband/wife' because he or she may feel this best describes the relationship, but may answer 'never married' in the marital status question. This results in a social marital status of 'married in a de facto marriage', and a registered marital status of 'never married'.
It should be noted that Social Marital Status (MDCP) is only applicable to those usually resident and present in the household on Census night (i.e. not applicable to those in non-private dwellings), while Registered Marital Status (MSTP) is applicable to all persons aged 15 years and over.