2007.0 - Census of Population and Housing: Consultation on Content and Procedures, 2016  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 06/11/2012   
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Listed below are the questions to be addressed in the 2016 Census Submission Form.

This Submission Form is available at www.abs.gov.au.

Please complete details of the person to contact regarding this submission.

Note: These details must be completed as anonymous submissions will not be considered. *Denotes mandatory fields.

Do you agree to allow the ABS to publicly refer to the information provided in this submission as a statement of your, or your organisation's, views on the relevant topics or procedures?

Note: The ABS may make public the views put forward in this submission. However, the ABS will not publish the names of persons or organisations making submissions unless you have given permission to do so.

Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree

Are you completing this submission as a:

Private individual?
Representative of an organisation or government department?

What is the name and address of your organisation?

Note: For organisations with offices at more than one location please tick the state or territory where your head office is located.

What is your position in the organisation?

Position Title

Which sector best describes your organisation?

Government Sector / Australian Government
Government Sector / State / Territory
Government Sector / Local
Private sector (fewer than 20 employees)
Private sector (20 or more employees)
Other (please specify)

Does this submission relate to:

A new topic?
Change to an existing topic?
The exclusion of a topic?
Some other aspect of the Census?

What is the name of the topic?

Please define the topic and/or describe modifications you are proposing for the 2016 Census.

Criteria 1: The topic is of current national importance.

Note: What specific purposes will the data be used for? Please consider the following when addressing this criteria:

Please provide details of:
  • Uses in policy-making, long-term planning, social and economic applications.
  • What benefits will flow from this data.
  • The consequences if this topic was not included in the 2016 Census.
  • In particular, please consider what activities could not take place or would be significantly reduced or degraded in quality.

Criteria 2: There is a current need for data on the topic for small population groups and/or at the small area level.

Note: Please consider when addressing this criteria:
  • At what geographic level will data from the topic be required?
  • For which population groups will the data from the topic be required?

Please specify why the data would be useful at this level.

Criteria 3: There are no suitable alternative data sources available for the topic.
Are there any alternative data sources available for the topic? If yes, please specify and consider the following in relation to these data sources when addressing this criteria.
  • Why are these data sources not appropriate for the purposes indicated in the first criteria?
  • Will these data sources provide high quality data for the entire population?
  • Name of alternative data source and organisation responsible if known.

Criteria 4: Is the topic suitable for inclusion in the Census?
Note: Please consider when addressing this criteria that Census topics should not:
  • Upset people by invading their privacy to an unacceptable degree. The information you will get from such a topic would be subject to bias and will affect other data used and collected in conjunction with it.
  • Be subjective (i.e. likely to have varying interpretations for individuals, such as "How would you rate your overall health status").
  • Seek information which may not be generally known such as "where was your maternal grandmother born".
  • Be complex to code or difficult to process. You should consider the way answers would need to be classified.
  • Require people to remember things they are unlikely to be able to, for example "What was your income five years ago".
  • Seek opinions or attitudes.
  • Require more than one or two questions to obtain the required information.
  • Require an overlong explanation or instructions to ensure an accurate answer. If the type of question needed cannot be understood with minimum of explanation, it is not suitable or appropriate for inclusion in the Census.

Please comment on the appropriateness of the topic against each of the above points, and include any other relevant issues which may impact on the suitability of the topic for inclusion in the Census.

Criteria 5: Is there likely to be a continuing need for data on the topic in the following Census?

Note: Please consider the following when addressing this criteria:
  • There is likely to be a continuing need for the data on the topic in the following Census.
  • Will there still be a need for data on this topic at the time of next Census in 2021, and into the future?

Please also consider the following points in relation to the topic and include in your submission:
  • What data output items will be required for the topic?
  • Please provide details of the output categories required and, if appropriate, ranges/descriptions for each category?
  • What cross-classifications will be needed with other Census topics?
  • Could this topic be included on a 10-yearly cycle rather than a 5-yearly cycle?

Is there any topic which you consider should be excluded from the 2016 Census?


What is the name of the topic which you consider should be excluded from the 2016 Census?

Why should this topic be excluded from the 2016 Census?

Would you like to provide any further comments on the proposals for the 2016 Census?

Would you like to attach a file to support your submission?