Notes to this publication
Further detail on the ABS work program
Resource costs presented in this publication reflect estimates for the four years 2012–13 to 2015–16. These costs present a broad indication of the resources currently allocated to each program but should not be taken as an accurate basis for estimating future allocations. Therefore, comparisons across programs and with previous ABS Forward Work Program publications are not possible.
The 2012–13 figures are full-year projections based on the agreed budget for the year. Projections for 2013–14, 2014–15 and 2015–16 are subject to change, as priorities are reviewed, and new budgets are agreed. These costs reflect all expenditure directly attributable to programs, including salaries, internally charged computing costs and administrative costs.
In addition to the forward estimates, summary information for 2011–12 is also provided. This is provided on the direct cost basis as described above, and also in full-cost terms for the statistical programs. The full-cost model reflects the total cost for the delivery of the statistical programs once the costs of the infrastructure and services programs, that are essential to enable delivery of the statistical programs, are allocated to the statistical programs based on estimated utilisation of these services and other overhead costs.
Percentage figures show program costs as proportions of the total annual costs.
Staff usage
Staff usage figures comprise full-time staff, and full-time equivalent figures for part-time staff. Inoperative staff are excluded. Staff usage figures are estimates for 2011–12.
Topics @ a Glance pages
The ABS website contains Topics @ a Glance pages that bring together all published statistical information relating to a specific topic or region. These pages provide links to related ABS products and non-ABS statistical information. They may also provide information about ABS collections underpinning the statistical information, and notifications of ongoing statistical matters of interest to users.
Methods and standards
The ABS produces a range of products that describe the concepts, sources and methods used to compile Australia’s major economic, environmental and social statistics. These products provide background information that will assist users in analysing and interpreting the statistics, and include standard classifications used in the ABS, for example, industry, occupation, commodity, country, languages, labour force and social classifications.