Proficiency in Spoken English - Short question modules
There are times when a survey needs to collect data about proficiency in spoken English when the additional data related to other language detail does not need to be collected. A minimum data filter question can be used in these circumstances.
The preferred minimum data filter question is drawn from the 'Main Language Other Than English Spoken at Home' variable and is as follows:
Q1 [Do you] [Does the person] [Does (name)] [Will (name of child under two years)] speak a language other than English at home?
No, | English only | q |  |  |
Yes, | Other | q |  |  |
Sequence guide:
- If response is 'No, English only', then No More Questions.
- If response is 'Yes, Other', then go to (Q2) - Proficiency in Spoken English question.
The Proficiency in Spoken English question will vary depending on whether the survey is:
- self-enumerated
- conducted by interview.
Self-enumerated surveys
Q2. How well [do you] [does the person] speak English?
Very well |
Well |
Not well |
Not at all |
Interview-based surveys
Q2. Do you consider [you speak] [(name) speaks] English very well, well, or not well?
Very well |
Well |
Not well |
Not at all |