Tourism Regions (TRs) are an ABS approximation of Tourism Regions provided by Tourism Research Australia (TRA), part of the Australian Government Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism.
The boundaries produced for TRs are constructed from allocations of Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) based on the method described in Chapter 1.
The TRs are updated annually by TRA in consultation with State and Territory (S/T) Tourism organisations. The number of TRs, their names and their boundaries vary over time.
TRs are defined to cover the whole of geographic Australia in 2011. TRs do not cross S/T borders. 78 TRs have been defined across Australia. The ACT has only one TR and there are no TRs for the Other Territories (OT).
'Migratory-Offshore-Shipping' SA2s are generally not included, except for the 'Migratory-Offshore-Shipping (QLD)' SA2 which is used to create an entry for the TR of the ‘Great Barrier Reef’ (TR code 3R160). The 'Great Barrier Reef' TR is a non spatial entry and is only provided so that data can be coded.
TR names are the same as those specified by the relevant S/T Tourism organisations.
TRs are sorted by name then allocated a two digit code starting from 01 within each S/T. This is prefixed by a single digit S/T code to enable unique identification of TRs across the country.
Special purpose codes are not included for TRs.