Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED)

Latest release

Provides a basis for comparable administrative and statistical data on educational activities and attainment classified by level and field

Reference period
Next release Unknown
First release


The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has developed the Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED) for use in the collection, storage and dissemination of statistical and administrative data relating to educational activity undertaken in Australia. The ABS has a commitment to develop, maintain and promote the use of standard definitions, classifications and coding procedures to ensure comparability of data derived from statistical and administrative systems, no matter what their source.

ASCED replaces the Australian Bureau of Statistics Classification of Qualifications (ABSCQ). It includes two component classifications, Level of Education and Field of Education. These reflect the needs of government agencies, the private sector and education and training organisations to describe the range of education and training currently offered in Australia. ASCED will be maintained by the ABS and revised periodically to reflect changes in levels and fields of education offered by Australian educational institutions and registered training providers.

The development of the classification involved extensive consultation with relevant Commonwealth, State and Territory agencies, educational institutions and other stakeholders in data on education in Australia. My thanks to those organisations which provided information and advice during the development process. I am particularly grateful for the contribution of the ASCED Steering Committee, which comprised representatives of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Certification Authorities, the Australian National Training Authority, the Australian Qualifications Framework Advisory Board, the Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee, the Centre for the Economics of Education and Training at Monash University, the Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd, and the Secretariat of the Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs.

Dennis Trewin
Australian Statistician

August 2001

Data downloads

Australian Standard Classification of Education – Structures

History of changes


A data cube was added. It shows the structures of the Level of Education and Field of Education classifications.


Titles of the two Year 7 categories in relevant parts of the Level of Education Structure and Definitions, and in Appendix 2, have been updated to reflect changes to the recognition and placement of Year 7 in the school education systems of several jurisdictions. Year 7 in Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory has been moved from Detailed Level 711 in Narrow Level 71 Primary Education to Detailed Level 624 in Narrow Level 62 Junior Secondary Education. The title of Detailed Level 624 has been changed from 'Year 7 (NSW, Vic., Tas., ACT)' to 'Year 7 (excluding SA)'. The title of Detailed Level 711 has been changed from 'Year 7 (QLD, SA, WA, NT)' to 'Year 7 (SA)'.

The 'Inclusions' statement in the definition of Detailed Level of Education 718 Pre-Year 1 has been updated to refer to Queensland providing this level of education, known as Preparatory.


Minor changes have been made to this release to remove redundant content.