The number of Census and death registration records eligible for linking and the percentage of death records linked are presented in Table 3.1. The linking process used 153,455 death records and 20,928,304 Census records. These Census counts are different from estimated resident population, as discussed in Chapter 2. Of the 153,455 death records, 142,697 (93.0%) records were linked to one of 20,928,304 eligible Census records. Of the 2,345 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander death records, 1,884 (80.3%) were linked.
Description | Records |
Number |  |
 | Census records eligible for linking(a) | 20 928 304 |
 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Census records | 548 370 |
 | Records on death file(b) | 153 455 |
 | Death records linked | 142 697 |
 | Death records not linked | 10 758 |
 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander records on death file(c) | 2 345 |
 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander records linked(c) | 1 884 |
Per cent |  |
 | All death records linked | 93.0 |
 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander death records linked | 80.3 |
(a) Excludes residents temporarily overseas on Census night, imputed records and Census net undercount adjustment. |
(b) Deaths which occurred between 10 August 2011 and 27 September 2012. |
(c) According to Indigenous status reported on death registration form. |
The number and percentage of death records linked to Census records by selected characteristics of deceased persons are presented in Table 3.2. A slightly higher linkage was achieved for females (94.4%) compared with males (91.7%). The linkage rate varied considerably by age, being lowest for 25-44 year old decedents (76.3%). This may be due to the relatively high Census undercount rate in this age group. The linkage rate was highest for 75 years and older decedents (95.1%).
3.2 Death Records Linked to Census Records by Selected Characteristics, Australia |
 |  | Total death records | Linked records | Linked records |
Reported characteristics in death registration | no. | no. | % |
Sex |  |  |  |
 | Males | 78 522 | 71 994 | 91.7 |
 | Females | 74 933 | 70 703 | 94.4 |
Age (years) |  |  |  |
 | 0-14 | 599 | 497 | 83.0 |
 | 15-24 | 1 211 | 950 | 78.5 |
 | 25-44 | 5 246 | 4 001 | 76.3 |
 | 45-64 | 20 814 | 18 297 | 87.9 |
 | 65-74 | 23 626 | 21 982 | 93.0 |
 | 75 and over | 101 958 | 96 970 | 95.1 |
Indigenous Status |  |  |  |
 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander | 2 345 | 1 884 | 80.3 |
 | Non-Indigenous | 150 238 | 140 037 | 93.2 |
 | Not stated | 872 | 776 | 89.0 |
State of usual residence |  |  |  |
 | NSW | 53 355 | 49 419 | 92.6 |
 | Vic. | 37 794 | 35 399 | 93.7 |
 | Qld | 28 065 | 25 954 | 92.5 |
 | SA | 13 567 | 12 874 | 94.9 |
 | WA | 13 683 | 12 635 | 92.3 |
 | Tas. | 4 285 | 4 039 | 94.3 |
 | NT | 869 | 658 | 75.7 |
 | ACT | 1 829 | 1 711 | 93.6 |
Marital status |  |  |  |
 | Never married | 15 081 | 12 828 | 85.1 |
 | Married | 61 940 | 58 566 | 94.6 |
 | Widow | 56 864 | 53 977 | 94.9 |
 | Divorced | 14 275 | 12 835 | 89.9 |
 | Separated | 1 294 | 1 123 | 86.8 |
 | Not applicable (<15 years) | 4 001 | 3 368 | 84.2 |
Elapsed time between Census and death |  |  |  |
 | Within 6 months of Census | 85 192 | 78 972 | 92.7 |
 | Beyond 6 months of Census | 68 263 | 63 725 | 93.4 |
The linkage success varied by Indigenous status recorded on the death registration form. People of non-Indigenous origin on the death registration form had a considerably increased linkage success (93.2%) compared with people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin (80.3%). The linkage success also varied by state of usual residence as reported on the death registration form. Rates were highest for South Australia (94.9%) and lowest for the Northern Territory (75.7%). All other states and territories had linkage rates between 92.3% and 94.3%. The low linkage rate for the Northern Territory reflects relatively low linkage rates for both the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous populations. The linkage rate was similar for married and widowed persons (about 95%). The linkage rate was slightly lower for deaths which occurred within six months of the Census (92.7%) than those which occurred beyond 6 months after the Census (93.4%).
Other aspects of the CDE Indigenous Mortality Study data were analysed by the ABS and results released in
Information Paper: Death Registrations to Census Linkage Project - Methodology and Quality Assessment, Australia, 2011-2012 (cat. no. 3302.0.55.004) on 28 August 2013 and
Information Paper: Death Registrations to Census Linkage Project - Key Findings for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, 2011-2012 (cat. no. 3302.0.55.005) on 15 November 2013.