6602.0 - Microdata: Longitudinal Labour Force, Australia, 2008-10
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ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 10/12/2012 First Issue
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OCCUPATION OF MAIN/LAST JOB (ANZSCO 2006 MAJOR GROUP) This data item provides details on which major occupation group someone's main or last job is classified. Occupation classification is based on the skill level, or skill specialisation, required to perform the job. In order to distinguish between whether the occupation relates to the current job of someone who is employed or the last job of someone who is unemployed, refer to Labour force status [LFSTATCE]. For people who are unemployed and have never worked before (new starter), or last worked over 2 years ago (former worker), occupation data is not collected (see Whether worked full-time for 2 weeks or more [FTJSTATC]). Occupation Major Groups are described in detail in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), First Edition, Revision 1 (cat. no. 1220.0). For more detailed occupation data refer to Occupation of main/last job (ANZSCO 2006 Sub-major group) [OCC_06CE]. Occupation data is only collected in the 'quarterly' labour force survey months: February, May, August and November (the second month of each financial year quarter).
Related Information Labour Force Survey Standard Products and Data Item Guide: Occupation, Occupation of last job (cat. no. 6103.0) Labour Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods: 4.7 Occupation (cat. no. 6102.0.55.001) Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), First Edition, Revision 1 (cat. no. 1220.0) Census Dictionary, 2011: Occupation [OCCP] (cat. no. 2901.0) Labour Force, Australia: Understanding Labour Force (cat. no. 6202) Labour Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods: 3. Employment (cat. no. 6102.0.55.001)