The Product Classification of the ACLC is designed to list all goods and services (together known as products) which are considered to be cultural or leisure in nature. In previous editions of the ACLC, the Product Classification aligned broadly with the Australian and New Zealand Standard Product Classification (ANZSPC), which had resulted from a joint project of the ABS and Statistics New Zealand. However, the ABS has decommissioned the ANZSPC as the Australian statistical standard for products.
In its place, the ABS has adopted the international Central Product Classification (CPC) as the overarching framework for product classifications, that is, product classifications used within the ABS will concord with CPC V2.0 to at least 3 digit level. The CPC is a multipurpose classification covering all goods and services and recent developments to increase the level of detail and comparability with other international standards have positioned it well to fulfil the function of an overarching reference product classification for Australia and New Zealand, taking on the role intended for the ANZSPC.