Most labour market statistics focus on some aspect of labour demand or labour supply. In Australia, surveys of businesses conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) are the primary source of data on labour demand. The types of data collected through business surveys include labour costs, earnings and job vacancies. The ABS population censuses and household surveys provide extensive information about the size and characteristics of labour supply; the major source is the monthly Labour Force Survey (LFS) and the on-going programme of supplementary household surveys. Information obtained through these types of collections includes data on labour force status, as well as demographic data such as age, sex, family type and country of birth. Diagram 8.1 illustrates how labour statistics, from ABS household and business surveys, relate to the labour market.
The concepts and definitions underlying Australian labour statistics are based on the conventions, recommendations and guidelines developed and maintained by the International Labour Organisation and the United Nations Statistical Office. Australian labour statistics comply in almost every respect with these international standards.
8.1 Australian labour statistics framework