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SECTION TWO: COUNTS OF AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS OPERATORS BY SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS, 2011 PROPORTION OF BUSINESS OPERATORS, BY HIGHEST YEAR OF SCHOOL COMPLETED - 2011 HIGHEST YEAR OF NON-SCHOOL COMPLETED In 2011, 67% of business operators completed a level of non-school qualification compared to 33% who had not completed a non-school qualification. Approximately 29.4% of business operators achieved the non-school qualification - 'Certificate Level'. This was followed by 'Bachelor Degree Level' (16.6%) and 'Advanced Diploma and Diploma Level' (10.2%). When broken down by sex, 35.6% of 'Male business operators' achieved the 'Certificate Level' compared to 16.0% for 'Female business operators'. FIELD OF STUDY In 2011, 67.0% of business operators identified themselves being involved in a field of study, with the most popular being 'Engineering and Related Technologies' (13.9%). The most popular field of study for 'Female business operators' was 'Management and Commerce' (14.9%) compared to 'Engineering and Related Technologies' (19.8%) for 'Male business operators'. PROPORTION OF BUSINESS OPERATORS, BY SEX AND FIELD OF STUDY - 2011 INDIVIDUAL WEEKLY INCOME There were differences in the most common income ranges between Male and Female business operators and these differences were also evident between business operators and small business operators. The highest proportion of 'Male business operators' (16.3%) had an individual weekly income in excess of $2,000. In contrast, the highest proportion of 'Female business operators' (17.4%) had an individual weekly income in the '$400-$599' income range category. The largest gap in individual weekly income between 'Male business operators' (16.3%) and 'Female business operators' (9.2%) were in the '$2,000 or more' income range category. The highest proportion of business operators with an individual weekly income in excess of $2,000 was 14.0%. This contrasts with the highest proportion of small business operators (14.1%) whose individual weekly income was in the '$400-$599' income bracket range. The most common small business operators income range is lower than the most common income range for 'Non-business operators', which is in the '$600-$799' income range category. FAMILY WEEKLY INCOME The differences in the individual income ranges between 'Male business operators' and 'Female business operators' and also between business operators and small business operators, are not evident with family income. The most common range for 'Family weekly income' in all categories was in the '$1,500-$1,999' income range. CHILDCARE PROVISION STATUS In 2011, 39.6% of business operators had indicated they had 'Provided childcare (unpaid)'. There were a higher percentage of 'Female business operators' (46.5%) than 'Male business operators' (36.4%) that 'Provided childcare (unpaid)'. PLACE OF WORK The largest percentage of business operators were located in 'NSW' (31.3%), followed by, 'VIC' (25.2%), 'QLD' (19.6%), 'WA' (10.5%), 'SA' (7.0%), 'TAS' (2.0%), 'ACT' (1.2%) and 'NT' (0.7%). PROPORTION OF BUSINESS OPERATORS, BY SEX AND PLACE OF WORK - 2011 REMOTE AREAS The majority (67.7%) of business operators were located in 'Major Cities of Australia'. CONNECTEDNESS TO WORK AND INTERNET CONNECTION Approximately 18.6% of business operators were identified as 'Worked at home', with 88.9% of these business operators having a 'Broadband connection'. REGION OF BIRTH The majority (69.9%) of business operators were born in 'Australia (includes External Territories)'. The next most popular birth areas were 'North-West Europe' (8.8%) and 'Southern and Eastern Europe' (3.9%). YEAR OF ARRIVAL IN AUSTRALIA Of all the business operators not born in Australia, the most common period of arrival was in the 'Arrived 1981-1990' category (22.8%). This was followed by the 'Arrived 1991-2000' (18.3%) and 'Arrived 2001-2010' (17.6%) categories. In contrast, the highest proportion of immigrants in the 'Non-business operators' sub-population (35.1%), arrived between 2001 and 2010. INDIGENOUS STATUS The majority (98.7%) of business operators identified themselves as 'Non-Indigenous'. HOUSING TENURE TYPE The most popular type of housing tenure for business operators was 'Owned with a mortgage' (49.4%). This was followed by the 'Owned outright' (31.7%) and 'Rented' (16.1%) categories. USUAL ADDRESS ONE YEAR AGO The majority (88.9%) of business operators had the 'Same address one year ago'. USUAL ADDRESS FIVE YEARS AGO In 2011, 63.9% of business operators had the 'Same address five years ago'.