The cash flow statement provides information on all transactions involving cash including, supplementing the accrual information in the operating statement and balance sheet. Cash outflows are shown as negative values. The cash flow provides useful information for analysis of the public sector's call on the financial markets.
 |  |  | 1998-99 | 1999-2000 | 2000-01 |
 |  |
|  |  |  |
Item | $m | $m | $m |
Total cash receipts from operating activities | 3,239 | 3,678 | 3,963 |
|  |  |  |  |  |
Total cash payments for operating activities | -2,950 | -3,137 | -3,475 |
|  |  |  |  |  |
Net cash flows from operating activities | 289 | 541 | 488 |
|  |  |  |  |  |
Net cash flows from investments in |  |  |  |
 | non-financial assets |  |  |  |
 |  | Sales of non-financial assets | 77 | 91 | 57 |
 |  | Purchases of non-financial assets | -347 | -321 | -295 |
 |  | Total | -271 | -231 | -239 |
|  |  |  |  |  |
Net cash flows from investments in |  |  |  |
 | financial assets for policy purposes | 30 | 158 | 16 |
|  |  |  |  |  |
Net cash flows from investments in |  |  |  |
 | financial assets for liquidity purposes | -316 | -318 | 59 |
|  |  |  |  |  |
Net cash flows from financing activities |  |  |  |
 |  | Advances received (net) | -14 | -140 | -116 |
 |  | Borrowing (net) | 184 | -25 | -113 |
 |  | Other financing (net) | 220 | 37 | -90 |
 |  | Total | 390 | -128 | -319 |
|  |  |  |  |  |
Net Increase(+)/Decrease(-) in Cash Held | 123 | 21 | 5 |
|  |  |  |  |  |
Net cash flows from operating activities, |  |  |  |
 | net cash flows from investments in |  |  |  |
 | non-financial assets and distributions |  |  |  |
 | paid | 19 | 310 | 249 |
|  |  |  |  |  |
Surplus(+)/deficit(-) | 19 | 310 | 249 |
Source: Government Finance Statistics, Australia (Cat. no. 5512.0) and ABS data available on request, Government Finance Statistics Collection. |