At the 2001 Census, there were 181,174 occupied private dwellings in Tasmania. Of these, 75,331 (41.6%) were fully owned, 51,153 (28.2%) were being purchased, and 43,650 (24.1%) were being rented.
 | Separate
house | Other(a) | Total |
|  |  |  |
Tenure type | '000 | '000 | '000 |
Fully owned | 70,313 | 5,018 | 75,331 |
Being purchased(b) | 49,133 | 2,020 | 51,153 |
Rented | 28,390 | 15,260 | 43,650 |
Other tenure type | 3,442 | 1,075 | 4,517 |
Not stated(c) | 4,948 | 1,575 | 6,523 |
Total | 156,226 | 24,948 | 181,174 |
(a) Includes semi-detached, row or terrace houses, townhouses, flat, unit, apartment, caravan, cabin, houseboat, improvised home, tent, sleepers out, house or flat attached to a shop, office, etc.
(b) Including under a rent/buy scheme.
(c) Includes dwellings where the tenure type was not stated.
Source: Basic Community Profile, Census of Population and Housing 2001 |
Further Census data on housing can be obtained by clicking the following link to Basic Community Profile (BCP) for Tasmania from the Census of Population and Housing 2001, available free of charge on the ABS web site.
The profile contains the following data:
- dwelling structure by tenure type and landlord type
- monthly housing loan repayment
- weekly rent by landlord type.