Education and training are the lifelong processes by which people obtain knowledge, skills, attitudes, and socially valued character and behavioural traits. Commencing at birth and developed through compulsory and non-compulsory pathways of learning, education and training are important for occupational success, and essential for personal growth and development. Ultimately, education and training support full participation in social, cultural and economic life.
The educational and training needs of Tasmanians are serviced in a variety of ways.
The Tasmanian Department of Education is the core provider of compulsory education in the State. In 2001, the Department operated 218 schools and colleges across 6 education districts. Students in Tasmania may also enrol in the non-government sector and some are home educated.
The vocational education and training (VET) sector aims to provide a range of nationally accredited vocationally oriented education and training designed to meet the needs of individuals and industry.
Technical and Further Education (TAFE) represents the largest group of registered training organisations within the VET system. In Tasmania, the Institute of TAFE Tasmania incorporates the Adult Education Program, which provides a selection of courses primarily aimed at personal interest and recreational activities.
The University of Tasmania and the Australian Maritime College cater for those wanting to pursue academic interests within the higher education sector.
The University of the Third Age, a self-funded body, provides educational opportunities for semi-retired and retired people. It is a relatively small, informal, and enthusiastic organisation, presenting a range of subjects that depend on the availability of volunteer lecturers and student demand.
 | 1991 | 2001 |
|  |  |
Educational institution | no. | no. |
Government schools | 65,662 | 61,976 |
Non-government schools | 19,952 | 20,821 |
University | 11,147 | 12,820 |
Maritime College | 1,394 | 2,086 |
University of the Third Age (Hobart Campus) | 470 | 650 |
VET | n.a. | (a)45,727 |
n.a. not available
(a) Figure relates to 2000, the latest available data.
Source: Schools, Australia (Cat. no. 4221.0) and ABS data available on request, National Schools Collection; University of Tasmania,; Australian Maritime College; University of the Third Age; and the Office of Post-Compulsory Education and Training. |
Education and training also occurs in other non-formal situations such as on-the job workplace training, which is often delivered in an unstructured way and on an ad-hoc basis. Non-formal education also occurs in the home with skills acquired through reading, listening and using computers.