The volume and value of Tasmanian wild finfish caught varies from year to year.
Key target species landed in the fishery include Australian salmon (Arripis spp.), various species of flathead (Platycephalus spp.), flounder (mainly Pleuronectidae), bastard and striped trumpeter (Latridopsis forsteri and Latris lineata), wrasse (Family Labridae) and garfish (Hyporhamphus melanochir). All are for the table fish market.
Catches of jack mackerel have varied in the past decade. Its dark oily flesh is not appreciated for the table, but large quantities are converted into fishmeal.
SELECTED FINFISH, Tasmania - 2001-02p
 | Weight(a) | Value of production |
|  |  |
Species | tonnes | $’000 |
Australian Salmon | 462 | 1,220 |
Banded morwong | 52 | 589 |
Bastard trumpeter | 24 | 84 |
Blue warehou | 66 | 172 |
Flathead species | 48 | 127 |
Flounder species | 12 | 72 |
Garfish | 88 | 366 |
Leatherjacket | 17 | 21 |
Striped trumpeter | 40 | 282 |
Whiting species | 40 | 64 |
Wrasse species | 90 | 666 |
p preliminary - figures subject to revision
(a) Total catch figures have been adjusted to reflect an equivalent whole weight. Between 1 Oct. 1997 and 31 Dec. 2000 all dual licensed fisherman only completed the GN01 logbook. Data for these fishermen has not yet been entered onto the State database.
Source: Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment. |