This data item provides details on which industry sub-division someone's main or last job is classified. Industry classification is based on the main economic activity performed in that job or business.
In order to distinguish between whether the industry relates to the current job of someone who is employed or the last job of someone who is unemployed, refer to
For people who are unemployed and have never worked before (new starter), or last worked over 2 years ago (former worker), industry data is not collected (see
This data item is either 3 or 4 digits in length. The first 1 or 2 digits relate to the industry division (see
The last 2 digits generally relate to the industry sub-divisions as detailed in the
(ANZSIC), 2006 (Revision 1.0) (cat. no. 1292.0). In cases where 2 or more sub-divisions have been grouped together, the lowest 2 digit number is used.
Industry data is only collected in the 'quarterly' labour force survey months: February, May, August and November (the second month of each financial year quarter).
 |  |  |
Identifier: |  | IND_06CE |
 |  |  |
 |  |  |
Level: |  | Person |
 |  |  |
 |  |  |
Source: |  | LFS |
 |  |  |
 |  |  |
Frequency: |  | Quarterly |
 |  |  |
 |  |  |
Population: |  | All |
 |  |  |
 |  |  |
Categories: |
 |  |  |
0 |  | Not in the labour force / Not applicable |
 |  |  |
101 |  | Agriculture |
102 |  | Other Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing |
109 |  | Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing nfd |
200 |  | Mining |
311 |  | Food, Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing |
313 |  | Textile, Leather, Clothing and Footwear Manufacturing |
314 |  | Wood and Paper Product Manufacturing |
316 |  | Printing (including the Reproduction of Recorded Media) |
317 |  | Petroleum, Chemical, Polymer and Associated Product Manufacturing |
320 |  | Non-metallic Mineral Product Manufacturing |
321 |  | Metal Product Manufacturing |
323 |  | Machinery and Transport Equipment Manufacturing |
325 |  | Furniture and Other Manufacturing |
329 |  | Manufacturing nfd |
400 |  | Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services |
530 |  | Building, Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction |
532 |  | Construction Services |
539 |  | Construction nfd |
633 |  | Basic Material Wholesaling |
634 |  | Machinery and Motor Vehicle Wholesaling |
636 |  | Other Wholesaling |
639 |  | Wholesale Trade nfd |
739 |  | Motor Vehicle, Parts and Fuel Retailing |
741 |  | Food Retailing |
742 |  | Other Retailing |
749 |  | Retail Trade nfd |
844 |  | Accommodation |
845 |  | Food and Beverage Services |
849 |  | Accommodation and Food Services nfd |
946 |  | Road Transport |
949 |  | Air and Space Transport |
950 |  | Other Transport |
951 |  | Postal and Courier Pick-up and Delivery Services |
952 |  | Transport Support, Warehousing and Storage Services |
959 |  | Transport, Postal and Warehousing nfd |
1054 |  | Publishing, Sound Recording and Broadcasting |
1058 |  | Telecommunication, Internet and Other Information |
1069 |  | Information Media and Telecommunications nfd |
1162 |  | Finance |
1163 |  | Insurance and Superannuation Funds |
1164 |  | Auxiliary Finance and Insurance Services |
1169 |  | Financial and Insurance Services nfd |
1200 |  | Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services |
1369 |  | Professional, Scientific and Technical Services (except Computer Systems Design) |
1370 |  | Computer Systems Design and Related Services |
1379 |  | Professional, Scientific and Technical Services nfd |
1472 |  | Administrative Services |
1473 |  | Building Cleaning, Pest Control and Other Support Services |
1479 |  | Administrative and Support Services nfd |
1575 |  | Public Administration |
1576 |  | Defence (civilians only) |
1577 |  | Public Order, Safety and Regulatory Services |
1579 |  | Public Administration and Safety nfd |
1680 |  | Preschool and School Education |
1681 |  | Tertiary and Adult Education and Training |
1689 |  | Education and Training nfd |
1784 |  | Hospitals |
1785 |  | Medical and Other Health Care Services |
1786 |  | Residential Care and Social Assistance Services |
1789 |  | Health Care and Social Assistance nfd |
1889 |  | Heritage and Arts Activities |
1891 |  | Sports, Recreation and Gambling Activities |
1899 |  | Arts and Recreation Services nfd |
1994 |  | Repair and Maintenance |
1995 |  | Personal and Other Services |
1999 |  | Other Services nfd |
 |  |  |
9000 |  | Last worked more than 2 years ago |
9100 |  | Never worked before for 2 weeks or more |
9900 |  | Not collected monthly / Only collected in Feb, May, Aug & Nov |