Standard Institutional Sector Classification of Australia sectors and subsectors
3.9. The sectors and subsectors of the SISCA are as follows:
3.10. The remainder of this chapter discusses the composition of each of the SISCA sectors and subsectors. Special cases which require some adaptation of SNA93 rules for classifying units to sectors are identified.
3.11. The SISCA does not include the same subsectors as the SNA93 institutional sector classification. The main differences are as follows:
- SNA93 divides the non-financial corporations sector between public corporations, national private corporations and foreign-controlled corporations. The same subsectoring is also applied to the financial corporations subsector as an additional subsectoring to that shown in paragraph 3.9. The ABS public/private classification, which is discussed in paragraphs 4.4-4.15, can be used to make the distinction between public and private corporations. Foreign-controlled corporations are not identified in ABS sector statistics.
- The central bank subsector in SNA93 is not subdivided. However the equivalent subsector in SISCA is split into the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) and other central bank institutions subsectors.
- The insurance corporations and pension funds subsector is not subdivided in SNA93.
- Central borrowing authorities (CBAs) are not recognised separately in SNA93. However, the SNA93 subsector in which the borrowing authorities would be included can be derived by consolidating subsectors 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 above.
- The general government sector in SNA93 is subdivided into subsectors for central government, state government, local government, and social security funds. In the SESCA, a level of government (LOG) classification provides the breakdown by level of government. There are no separately constituted social security funds in Australia. The LOG classification is discussed in paragraphs 4.16-4.23.
- The household sector in SNA93 is subdivided into subsectors for employers, own account workers, employees and recipients of property and transfer income. This subdivision is not included in the SISCA