Categories/Subcategories | ICD-10-AM codes |
Certain infectious and parasitic diseases | A00-B99 |
Intestinal infectious diseases | A00-A09 |
Tuberculosis | A15-A19 |
Other bacterial diseases | A30-A49 |
Septicaemia | A40-A41 |
Pneumococcal septicaemia | A40.3 |
Infectious sexual transmission | A50-A64 |
Viral infections | A80-B19 |
Viral hepatitis | B15-B19 |
Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases
| A20-A28, A65-A69, A70-A74, A75-A79, B20-B24, B25-B34, B35-B99 |
Neoplasms | C00-D48 |
Malignant neoplasms | C00-C96 |
In Situ, benign and neoplasms of uncertain or unknown behaviour | D00-D48 |
Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism | D50-D89 |
Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disease | E00-E90 |
Type 1 diabetes | E10 |
Type 2 diabetes | E11 |
Mental and behavioural disorders | F00-F99 |
Organic mental disorders | F00-F09 |
Mental disorders due to psychoactive substance abuse | F10-F19 |
Schizophrenia, schizotypal & delusional disorders | F20-F29 |
Mood and neurotic disorders | F30-F48 |
Other mental disorders | F50-F99 |
Diseases of the nervous system | G00-G99 |
Meningitis | G00-G03 |
Diseases of the eye and adnexa | H00-H59 |
Diseases of the ear and mastoid process | H60-H95 |
Otitis media | H65-H67 |
Diseases of the circulatory system | I00-I99 |
Rheumatic heart disease | I00-I02, I05-I09 |
Hypertensive disease | I10-I15 |
Ischaemic heart disease | I20-I25 |
Other heart disease | I26-I28, I30-I52 |
Cerebrovascular disease | I60-I69 |
Diseases of the respiratory system | J00-J99 |
Influenza | J10-J11 |
Pneumonia | J12-J18 |
Pneumococcal pneumonia | J13 |
COPD | J41-J44 |
Asthma | J45-J46 |
Diseases of the digestive system | K00-K93 |
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue | L00-L99 |
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective system | M00-M99 |
Diseases of the genitourinary system | N00-N99 |
Chronic kidney disease | N01-N07, N11-N15, N18-N20, N25-N28 |
Kidney Infections | N10-N12, N13.6, N15.1 |
Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium | O00-O99 |
Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period | P00-P96 |
Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities | Q00-Q99 |
Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, n.e.c. | R00-R99 |
Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes | S00-T98 |
Injuries | S00-T19 |
Burns and frostbite | T20-T35 |
Poisoning | T36-T50 |
Toxic effects | T51-T65 |
Other effects of external causes, early complications of trauma | T66-T79, T89 |
Complications of surgical and medical care, n.e.c. | T80-T88 |
Sequelae of injuries, poisoning, external causes | T90-T98 |
External causes of morbidity and mortality | V01-Y98 |
Transport accidents | V01-V99 |
Accidental falls | W00-W19 |
Exposure to inanimate mechanical forces | W20-W49 |
Exposure to animate mechanical forces | W50-W64 |
Exposure to electric current/
smoke/fire/venomous animals/nature | W85-Y09 |
Accidental poisoning | X40-X49 |
Other accidental exposures | X50-X59 |
Intentional self-harm | X60-X84 |
Assault | X85-Y09 |
Complications of medical and surgical care | Y40-Y84 |
Other external causes | W65-84, Y10-Y36, Y85-Y98 |
Factors influencing health status and contact with health services | Z00-Z99 |
Care involving dialysis | Z49 |
Source: AIHW | |
Chapter/Subcategories | ICD-10-AM blocks |
Procedures on nervous system | 1-86 |
Procedures on endocrine system | 110-129 |
Procedures on eye and adnexa | 160-256 |
Procedures on ear and mastoid process | 300-333 |
Procedures on nose, mouth and pharynx | 370-422 |
Dental services | 450-490 |
Procedures on respiratory system | 520-569 |
Procedures on cardiovascular system | 600-767 |
Procedures on blood and blood-forming organs | 800-817 |
Procedures on digestive system | 850-1011 |
Procedures on urinary system | 1040-1128 |
Haemodialysis | 1059 |
Procedures on male genital organs | 1160-1203 |
Gynaecological procedures | 1230-1299 |
Obstetric procedures | 1330-1347 |
Procedures on musculoskeletal system | 1360-1579 |
Dermatological and plastic procedures | 1600-1718 |
Procedures on breast | 1740-1759 |
Chemotherapeutic and radiation oncology procedures | 1780-1799 |
Non-invasive, cognitive and interventions, ne.c. | 1820-1916 |
Imaging services | 1940-2016 |
Source: AIHW |