ABS publications
- Australian System of National Accounts (5204.0).
- Australian Mining Industry (8414.0).
- Manufacturing Production (8301.0).
- Mineral and Petroleum Exploration (8412.0).
Other references
Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Australia's Identified Mineral Resources.
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE):
- Australian Commodity Statistics.
- Australian Mineral Statistics.
Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR), Australian Petroleum Statistics.
Internet sites
ABARE, http://www.abareconomics.com
Australian Bureau of Statistics, https://www.abs.gov.au
- A Mining theme page may be found under the category Themes, providing information about the ABS's Mining statistics, and links to other useful Internet sites.
Australian Geological Survey Organisation, http://www.agso.gov.au
Australian Institute of Petroleum, http://www.aip.com.au
Australian Mineral Industries Research Association Limited, http://www.amira.com.au
Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science and Resources, http://www.industry.gov.au/
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, http://www.csiro.au
Joint Coal Board, http://www.coalservices.com.au/
Resource Information Unit, http://www.riu.com.au
Other sources
State government departments and instrumentalities are important sources of minerals and energy data, particularly at the regional level, while a number of private corporations and other entities operating within the mining and energy fields publish or make available a significant amount of information.