An overview of energy supply and use in Australia in 2001-02 is presented in diagram 17.1. Australia's total energy supply comprises primary energy production, plus imports of energy, less stock changes and discrepancies. In 2001-02 Australia produced 14,788 petajoules (PJ) of primary energy products and imported 1,222 PJ of energy products, mainly crude oil.
Australia's supply of primary energy products can be exported, converted into other energy products, used by Australian households and industry, or stockpiled for future consumption. Most of the energy produced in Australia is exported (10,601 PJ in 2001-02), the bulk of which is black coal and uranium. In 2001-02, 4,346 PJ of primary energy was transformed into 2,599 PJ of derived energy products. Conversion, distribution and transmission losses accounted for 1,747 PJ of energy use. Households and industry used 3,307 PJ of energy, about one-fifth of the total energy supply.

Source: ABARE, electronic datasets, Table A.