The following six tables contain historical data on births including the number of registered births; median age of mother (all confinements and first nuptial confinements); age-specific fertility rates; total fertility rates; net reproduction rates; and crude birth rates.
For a description of the symbols used in these spreadsheets, refer to the Abbreviations link above.
Amended tables:
Table 37: Median age of mother for the years 1975 to 2001.
Table 40: Age-specific fertility rate for the 35-39 age group and the total fertility rate for the Northern Territory for the year 1966.
Table 36. Births registered by sex, states and territories, 1824 onwards
Contains the number of births registered by sex for Australia, states and territories for the years 1824 to 2002.
Table 37. Median age of mother, all confinements, Australia, 1927 onwards
Contains the median age of mother for all confinements for Australia for the years 1927 to 2002.
Table 38. Median age of mother, first nuptial confinement, Australia, 1975 onwards
Contains the median age of mother for first nuptial confinement for Australia for the years 1975 to 2002.
Table 39. Age-specific fertility rates and total fertility rate, Australia, 1921 onwards
Contains the age-specific fertility rate and total fertility rate for Australia for the years 1921 to 2002.
Table 40. Age-specific fertility rates and total fertility rate, states and territories, 1947 onwards
Contains the age-specific fertility rate (five-year age groups from 15 to 49 years) and the total fertility rate for states and territories for the years 1974 to 2002.
Table 41. Net reproduction rates, states and territories, 1930 onwards
Contains the net reproduction rates for states and territories for the years 1930 to 2002.
Table 42. Crude birth rates, states and territories, 1860 onwards
Contains the crude birth rates for states and territories for the years 1860 to 2002.