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Policy on selection and engagement of consultants ABS policy on the selection and engagement of consultants is consistent with ABS Chief Executive Instructions (CEIs), and the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines. The ABS selects and engages consultants in a way that provides value for money. Total consultancies let in 2007–08 During 2007–08, the total expenditure on consultancies was $677,999. Twenty-four new consultancies were engaged to carry out projects, or provide professional and technical advice that could not be provided by staff of the ABS. The total expenditure of these was $584,843. Six consultancies had been let in previous years, and continued into 2007–08, with an expenditure of $93,156 during 2007–08. Appendix table 3.1 shows the total expenditure on all consultancies for 2004–05 to 2007–08. The larger consultancy contracts (those to the value of $10,000 or more) are detailed in Appendix table 3.2, along with brief notes on the procurement method used. Appendix Table 3.1: Consultancy services engaged by the ABS
Appendix Table 3.2: Consultancy services contracts let in 2007–08 to the value of $10,000 or more
(1) Explanation of selection process terms drawn from the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines (January 2005): Open Tender: A procurement procedure in which a request for tender is published inviting all businesses that satisfy the conditions for participation to submit tenders. Public tenders are sought from the marketplace using national and major metropolitan newspaper advertising and the Australian Government AusTender Internet site. Select Tender: A procurement procedure in which the procuring agency selects which potential suppliers are invited to submit tenders. Tenders are invited from a short list of competent suppliers. Direct Sourcing: A form of restricted tendering, available only under certain defined circumstances, with a single potential supplier or suppliers being invited to bid because of their unique expertise and/or their special ability to supply the goods and/or services sought. Panel: An arrangement under which a number of suppliers, usually selected through a single procurement process, may each supply property or services to an agency as specified in the panel arrangements. Tenders are sought from suppliers that have pre-qualified on the agency panels to supply to the government. This category includes standing offers and supplier panels where the consultant offers to supply goods and services for pre-determined length of time, usually at a pre-arranged price. Justification for recourse to consultancy arrangements: