1001.0 - Australian Bureau of Statistics -- Annual Report, 2007-08  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 05/12/2008   
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Contents >> Section VII - Financial Statements >> Notes to and forming part of the financial statements

This section contains the following subsection :
        Note 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
        Note 2: Events after the Balance Sheet date
        Note 3: Income
        Note 4: Expenses
        Note 5: Financial Assets
        Note 6: Non-Financial Assets
        Note 7: Payables
        Note 8: Interest Bearing Liabilities
        Note 9: Lease Incentives
        Note 10: Provisions
        Note 11: Cash Flow Reconciliation
        Note 12: Contingent Liabilities and Assets
        Note 13: Senior Executive Remuneration
        Note 14: Remuneration of Auditors
        Note 15: Financial Instruments
        Note 16: Appropriations
        Note 17: Special Accounts
        Note 18: Compensation and Debt Relief
        Note 19: Reporting of Outcomes

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