The ABS recognises the potential value of obtaining disability data from the census and has a strong commitment to the development of a suitable Census question for the 2006 Census of Population and Housing.
Previous development and testing of a disability question for the 1996 and 2001 Census rounds was unsuccessful in terms of data quality. (See Themes - Disability, Ageing and Carers for a detailed report on the testing undertaken for 2001).
In preparation for the 2006 Census a Census Advisory Group on Disability (CAGD) was convened, with representatives from government, professional, academic, industry and community organisations. A key role of the group is to identify and prioritise the key requirements for disability data for small areas, and for a range of population groups, including relatively small subgroups. The first meeting of the CAGD was held in February 2003, with a key decision being made to focus development for Census 2006 on the concept of 'need for assistance' rather than the previously tested broader concept of disability. A series of focus group tests are planned for the first half of 2003, to be followed by a large scale test in August 2003, and a further large scale test in 2004.
For further information:
Contact : Ken Black (02) 6252 7430
Email: ken.black@abs.gov.au
Contact: Margaret Sherley (02) 6252 5544
Email: margaret.sherley@abs.gov.au