There have been several changes in staffing over the past 3 months with a number of staff transferring to other areas of the ABS or, in one case, taking a promotion to another Commonwealth Government Department. Sue Gredley, who is well known to a large number of people in the culture industry for her work on the culture and leisure classification, has decided to take a position with the Australian Taxation Office. We naturally wish her the best for the future. To compensate for the departures, Sophia Colangelo, Stefan Johns and David Bartie have joined the NCCRS. They bring with them diverse backgrounds which will provide the unit with a fresh approach.
For further details on culture topics please contact Chris Giddings on 08 8237 7326, and for sport topics, Nigel Williams on 08 8237 7404. Alternatively, please write to the NCCRS at GPO Box 2272, Adelaide SA 5001, fax on 08 8237 7366 or email to A copy of this and previous newsletters can be found on the ABS web site: