The preliminary estimated resident population of Australia at September 2001 was 19,442,300. The population increased by about a 223,100 persons (1.2%) since September 2000. Because of a lack of international migration data, the level of Net Overseas Migration has been assumed.
A summary of other Demographic Statistics can be found in the September Quarter 2001 issue of Australian Demographic Statistics, September Quarter 2001 (Cat. no. 3101.0) issued 21 March 2002. Copies of these and other ABS publications in Adobe Acrobat format, spreadsheets and data cubes can now be purchased on-line from the ABS web site. For further information, please see ABS Products Available to Purchase Online on the home page of the ABS web site.
The December Quarter 2001 issue of Australian Demographic Statistics (Cat. no. 3101.0) scheduled for release on 6 June 2002 will contain revised estimates of Australia's resident population based in the results of the 2001 Census of Population and Housing. For further information see Demography Working Paper 2001/6 - Rebasing Australia's Demographic Estimates Using The 2001 Census Of Population And Housing available on the ABS web site from the Demography Theme page.