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1244.0.00.001 New | Information Paper: Outcomes of ABS Views on Remoteness Consultation, Australia, June 2001 ($10.00) |
3235.1 Final | Population by Age and Sex, New South Wales, 30 June 2000 ($23.00) |
3235.1.55.001 New | Population by Age and Sex, New South Wales – Electronic Delivery, 30 June 2000 ($23.00) |
4102.0 | Australian Social Trends, 2001 ($44.00) |
4183.0 | Cultural Funding, Australia, 1999–2000 ($17.00) |
4390.0 | Private Hospitals, Australia, 1999–2000 ($20.00) |
4441.0 | Voluntary Work, Australia, 2000 ($22.00) |
4613.0 New | Australia's Environment: Issues and Trends, 2001 ($38.00) |
4704.0 | The Health and Welfare of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, 2001 ($43.00) |
5492.0 | Information Paper: A Methodology for Estimating Regional Merchandise Exports – Including Experimental Estimates for Three Queensland Regions, 1994–95 to 1996–97 ($10.00) |
5518.0.55.001 New | Government Finance Statistics, Education, Australia – Electronic Delivery, 1999–2000 ($43.00) |
5675.0 | Information Paper: Use of Business Income Tax Data for Regional Small Business Statistics – Experimental Estimates, Selected Regions, Australia, 1995–96 to 1997–98 ($10.00) |
5677.0 | Information Paper: Improvements to Australian Bureau of Statistics Quarterly Business Indicators, 2001 ($10.00) |
6102.0 | Labour Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2001 ($62.00) |
6201.1 | Labour Force, New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory, May 2001 ($24.00) |
8104.0 | Research and Experimental Development, Businesses, Australia, 1999–2000 ($18.50) |
8156.0 | Information Paper: Experimental Estimates, Australian Industry, a State Perspective, 1998–99 ($10.00) |
8564.0 New | Veterinary Services, Australia, 1999-2000 ($18.50) |
8696.0 | Community Services, Australia, 1999–2000 ($27.00) |
Release dates for publications can be obtained from the ABS Web Site at
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3311.1 | Demography, New South Wales 2000 ($28.00) |
4160.0 | Measuring Social Wellbeing, 1999 ($43.00) |
4443.1 New | Disability New South Wales ($36.00) |
4808.0 New | Illicit Drug Use, Sources of Data, Australia, 2000 ($26.00) |
5676.0 New | Business Indicators, Australia, September 2001 ($20.00) |
6281.0 | Work in Selected Culture and Leisure Activities, Australia Apr 2001 ($21.00) |
6537.0 | Government Benefits, Taxes and Household Income, Australia 1998–99 ($24.00) |
8129.0 | Business Use of Information Technology 200–01 ($19.00) |
8153.0 | Internet Activity, Australia, June 2001 ($19.50) |
8221.1 | Manufacturing Industry, New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory 1999–2000 ($21.00) |
8415.0 | Mining Operations, Australia 1999–2000 ($28.00) |