From Data to Decisions
Learn how to apply statistical techniques to data in order to make more effective, evidence-based decisions.
ABS NSW is offering a wide range of statistical training in 2006. Our courses show that the statistical process is more than just numbers. It involves selecting the right data sources, assessing data quality, analysing and interpreting data, communicating results, and making quality informed decisions.
Courses include:
- Introduction to Statistics, 15-17 May
- Turning Data into Information, 7-8 June & 18-19 October
- Introduction to Sampling, 19-20 July
- Analysing Survey Data Made Simple, 30-31 August
- Basic Survey Design, 5-6 September
- Principles of Questionnaire Design, 21-22 September
- Understanding Labour Market Statistics, to be scheduled for July 2006.
- Understanding Demographic Data, to be scheduled for 2006
- Making Quality Informed Decisions, to be scheduled for 2006
For further information contact Mazen Kassis on (02) 9268 4183, email